万花筒 Kaleidoscope 2007-04-17&19, 威廉王子和女友分手(在线收听

Last winter, as rumors of a royal engagement swirled, Kate Middleton haunted by the paparazzi just wished they'd leave her alone. Now that the royal romance is over, they probably will.

Prince William, 24, and his girlfriend Kate, who is 25, met at university in Scotland four years ago. There they shared a house and became lovers out of the media spotlight. But after their graduation they had to face real life and the glare of publicity.

Prince Williams joined the army, and began officer training at Britain's elite military academy Sandhurst, while Kate became a fashion buyer in London. Wherever they went, whether it was the prince's out drinking with friends, or Kate's simply setting out for work, photographers were never far away. Finally it may be that strain that ended the relationship, or the fact the prince has said he doesn't want to marry until he is 28 or 30. On the other hand, it may be Kate deciding that a royal wedding is less fairytale ending than a life sentence.

Whatever the reason, royal watchers say the parting was amicable, and the two will remain friends.