儿童英语读物 The Cupcake Caper CHAPTER 8 The Contest Begins(在线收听

“There’s nowhere to park,” said Grandfather as he drove around the BakeMart lot. “It looks like the whole town of Greenfield turned out for the contest today.”

In front of the factory, a huge white tent had been erected. Balloons, posters and colorful banners made the event look like a carnival. There was even a clown wandering around, blowing bubbles.

“I am so excited,” Benny said, staring out the car window. “Oooh. There’s a band playing!” Benny began bouncing up and down in his seat.

“Careful, Benny,” Henry said as Grandfather pulled up in front of the tent. “You don’t want to tip your tray.”

“I’m being very careful.” Benny had a platter full of cupcakes on his lap.

Benny was proud because he’d done most of the work to make the cupcakes by himself. “I cooked like a real chef!” he said happily, tightening his grip on the tray. “I hardly needed any help at all!”

“I know!” Jessie said, with a huge smile. “You did great.”

“Thanks for the recipe,” Benny said to Jessie. And to Violet he said, “I am glad you showed me how to measure ingredients.”

But the biggest helper was Henry. He’d opened and closed the oven, so Benny didn’t burn himself. “You’re the best brother!” Benny said.

“I can’t wait until Mr. Kandinsky tastes my Chocolate Surprise cupcakes.” Smacking his lips together, Benny said, “I am certain he’s going to love them.”

The surprise in the Chocolate Surprise was all Benny’s idea. After the cupcakes had cooled, Benny had cut them open and hidden a gummi worm inside each one.

“There are going to be two cupcake surprises today!” Jessie said. “Benny’s sweet delicious ones, and the recipe thief’s super spicy ones.”

“I know we are here to catch a thief,” Benny said. “But I’d also like to have my cupcakes picked as the best. That would be amazing,” he admitted.

“You have a very good chance of winning,” Henry told Benny as Grandfather stopped the car to let the children out.

Before driving off, Grandfather said, “The parking is so bad, I’ll go pick up Mama Tova so she doesn’t have to search for a space too. We will meet you inside.” Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny headed toward the tent.

“I’ll help you carry those,” Jessie said to Benny as they crossed under a colorful balloon arch. But Benny refused to let go of the tray.

He wanted to bring it inside all by himself.

As they pressed through the crowd, Henry looked around. “I thought there were only nineteen names on Gretchen’s list.” Henry pointed a row of signs that hung above a long table. Each sign had a number. Benny’s number was nineteen. Benny set down his tray under his sign.

“So, Henry, how are we going to figure out which entry is the spicy chili one?” Violet asked her brother.

Henry had thought about this and had an answer ready. “We’ll have to get one cupcake from every entry and taste them ourselves.”

“There are so many people at the contest,” Violet said. “That’s a lot of cupcakes.”

Jessie glanced around the room. “It’s the only way to solve this mystery!”

Benny just grinned. “I’ll be happy to do the tasting part!”

“Hey look!” Jessie exclaimed.

Benny, Henry, and Violet turned to see Pauly heading towards them. He carried a large tray covered with foil.

“Hi,” Pauly said, as he set the tray under the sign for Contestant Number Twenty. “I see we are going to be neighbors today.”

“His name wasn’t on the list,” Jessie whispered to Violet, while Pauly got organized and peeled the foil off his treats. I’m sure of that!”

Henry said, “We didn’t know you were entering the BakeMart Bake-Off!”

“I wasn’t going to,” Pauly said. “But at the last minute, I decided to make a chocolate cupcake.” He glanced at Benny’s tray. “I see you made chocolate ones, too.”

“Mine have a surprise in the middle,” Benny said.

“That might help you score well, but really, you don’t have a chance,” Pauly said. “Mr. Kandinsky and the judges will like mine best.”

“Why?” Violet couldn’t help but ask. “What makes your cupcakes so special?”

“It runs in my family—remember, Mama Tova’s my aunt,” Pauly bragged. “That’s what I explained to Mr. Kandinsky when he told me it was too late to sign up. I said, ‘my last name is Tova,’ and he immediately agreed to give my cupcakes a try.”

“I need to go tell Mr. Kandinsky I’ve arrived,” Pauly said, after arranging his cupcakes neatly on the table. “Be right back.”

As soon as Pauly walked away, Violet said, “I think that Pauly is now our new number one suspect!” Violet stared at Pauly’s tray of treats. “He didn’t enter the contest before, but then, very suspiciously, right after Mama Tova’s ‘recipe’ was stolen, he joined up.”

“His frosting designs sure are pretty,” Jessie remarked. “And they look a lot like Mama Tova’s.”

“But so did Mrs. Waldman’s,” Henry reminded her. “Maybe Mama Tova is teaching Pauly how to decorate, too.”

“There’s only one way to find out if he took the fake recipe or not,” Benny said. He grabbed a cupcake off of Pauly’s tray and took a huge bite.

“Paulynnotthethuf,” he said, his mouth full.

“Chew and swallow,” Henry told his brother. “Then say it again.”

Benny finished his bite and then said, “Pauly isn’t the thief!” He thought for a moment, then added, “They’re good, but not as good as Mama Tova’s. But not spicy, either.”

“That means my thought about Pauly was wrong. He must have had chocolate under his fingernails,” Henry said. “Not dirt from Mama Tova’s planter.”

“And Pauly didn’t steal the recipe to sell it for baseball cards, either,” Benny said.

“One down, eighteen to go,” Violet announced.

“Eighteen?” Benny asked her. “But there are twenty entries.”

“We already know you didn’t take the recipe,” Violet told him. “So you don’t need to taste yours.”

“Oh yeah,” Benny said. He was a little sad he wasn’t going to eat twenty different cupcakes today.

His mood lightened when Henry brought over a cupcake from Contestant Number Fourteen. This would be his second tasting.

“Vanilla,” Benny said, excitedly sniffing the cake. “With lemon frosting.” He took a bite and made a face. “Not spicy, and not good either. This one tastes like scrambled eggs.” He didn’t bother to finish it.

Henry brought Benny four more cupcakes from contestants whose trays were nearby. All were yummy, but none were made from the fake recipe.

When Jessie came back from the sign-in area, she was carrying another two cupcakes behind. “I got these from Contestants Number One and Four,” she said, proudly handing them to Benny.

“No,” Benny said as he threw one away. “And no again,” he said, eating all of the other. “That one was tasty, though. The best so far.”

“Seven cupcakes down,” Violet said. “Loads more to go.”

That’s when Henry looked over at Benny.

“I think there’s a problem with this plan,” he said. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before! Nineteen cupcakes is way too many for Benny to taste. He’s already looking a little green.”

“I’m not green! I can do it!” Benny insisted, patting his tummy. “There’s plenty of room inside me.” He looked down the line where Gretchen was busy setting up as Contestant Six, and waved at her.

“Maybe you shouldn’t eat the whole thing each time,” Henry suggested. “One bite should be enough to tell if there’s chili powder inside or not.”

“I’ll only eat the yummy ones.” Benny took a cupcake that Violet had brought over from Eighteen. “And I’ll stop when I’m full,” he promised, adding, “or when we find the thief.”

Jessie made a list of numbers one through twenty in her notebook. Each time Benny tasted a cupcake, she crossed off that number if the cupcake didn’t taste like chili powder.

Henry and Violet were working fast to collect one of each contestant’s cupcakes before the judging began. It wasn’t long before they were collecting cupcakes faster than Benny could try them. When Henry and Violet had finished gathering a sample from everyone, Benny was four cupcakes behind.

“You better hurry,” Jessie said, looking down the table. “The judges are ready to start.”

“I’m going fast as I can.” Benny picked up the closest cupcake and took a big bite. “That was a bad one. Too gooey,” Benny said, wrinkling his nose.

“Number Seven is good though,” he reported after swallowing a bite of a different cupcake.

“What about Six?” Violet asked. “Did you eat that one already?”

“Six?” Benny looked at the last few cupcakes he needed to eat. “I’m about to taste it now.” He peeled back the cute pink paper around a chocolate fudgy looking cupcake and took a big bite.

“I need water,” Benny gasped.

Jessie handed him a bottle from her purse. “Was it spicy, Benny?” she asked as soon as Benny stopped coughing and sputtering.

“Tastes like chili,” Benny said wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “These are the cupcakes made from the fake recipe!” He didn’t throw away the cupcake, however. Instead, Benny took another bite, although a much smaller one, and said, “You know, they really aren’t all that bad. In fact, they are good in a different kind of way.”

“That solves it, then,” Jessie said, looking down into her notebook. “Now we know who stole the recipe!”

“Who?” Benny and Violet asked Jessie.

“Who made the fake recipe cupcakes?” Henry wanted to know.

Jessie looked down the table where the BakeMart judges were standing under the Number Six sign and declared, “Gretchen. Gretchen is the recipe thief.”
