英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable1020 - 我们这五年:进击的机器人小镇(在线收听

  Topic1-Firing up robotics in a small town
  Ganyao, a small town with a population of 40 thousand, in Jiashan County, east China's Zhejiang Province is fashioning itself into a robotics hub. The robot town, which comprises a robot theme park as well as research and manufacturing sites, is a microcosm of technology upgrade taking place in China since the 18th CPC National Congress, 5 years ago.
  RoundTable's Happy Place
  In our weekly segment called "RoundTable's Happy Place", we'll invite you to our happy place and spread the joy.
  Topic2-Five fights every couple has, and how to avoid them
  You already know that every couple fights, but did you know that most couples fight about the same things? As unique as your arguments may feel in the moment, couples' therapists see the same issues all day long, from all sorts of people.
  Here are a few common fights couples have, and some quick tips on how to resolve them.