
The safety and security of Americans overseas is one of the United States' top priorities. That's why the U.S. has expressed its grave concern regarding the continued incarceration of Josh Holt by the Venezuelan government.

保障美国公民在海外的安全是美国的首要任务。正因如此,美国就乔希 霍尔特(Josh Holt)遭委内瑞拉政府持续拘禁一事表达了深切的忧虑。

On December 12, U.S. citizen Josh Holt was charged after more than 17 months of detention and many court delays. U.S. Embassy personnel were denied access to Mr. Holt's court hearing and to a visit scheduled that day.

12月12日,美国公民乔希 霍尔特在经历了17个月的拘禁和多次庭审延期后终于出庭受审。美国大使馆人员不受准参加霍尔特的庭审,也不许在那天探望他。

The United States remains extremely concerned for Mr. Holt's health and welfare, which continues to deteriorate under the custody of SEBIN, the Venezuelan intelligence agency, said State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert.

美国依然十分担心霍尔特的健康状况和生活情况,他的境遇在委内瑞拉情报局(SEBIN)的拘留下每况愈下,国务院发言人希瑟 诺尔特如是说道(Heather Nauert)。

Venezuela is legally obligated in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to permit U.S. consular officers to visit U.S. citizens detained there. But too often, said Ms. Nauert, access is only belatedly granted, only to be canceled, withdrawn, or simply ignored, as was the case on December 12.


The United States calls on the Venezuelan government to grant immediate consular access to Mr. Holt. Pursuant to its international obligations, Venezuela must guarantee Mr. Holt a fair trial. His life should not be jeopardized under SEBIN's custody.


During his time in prison, Holt's mother, Laurie, says that her son has been forced to undergo extremely inhumane treatment.


Mr. Holt was arrested after traveling to Venezuela to marry Thamara Caleno, a fellow Mormon and Venezuelan citizen whom he had met on the internet. He had planned to spend several months in Caracas with her and her two daughters to secure visas for them so they could move to the U.S.

霍尔特在来到委内瑞拉与塔玛拉 卡利诺结婚后就遭到逮捕。他的妻子是委内瑞拉的一名摩门教徒,是他在网上认识的。霍尔特本来打算在卡拉卡斯跟妻子和两个女儿共度几个月,这样就能帮她们几个搞定签证,以便移居美国。

Mr. Holt was arrested under questionable circumstances. The U.S. continues to call for his release on humanitarian grounds.


Spokesperson Nauert urged the government of Venezuela to grant Mr. Holt immediate release and return him to the United States.

