老外最常用的英文短语 第620期:turn out(在线收听

   turn out  结果为……

  In the end it turned out for the best. 最终证明了这个选择是最佳的。
  Let's turn out all the lights and we'll watch the movie! 我们把所有的灯都关了,看电影吧!
  She was engaged to a guy who turned out to be gay! 她订婚的那个男的居然是个同性恋!
  It turn out it was a mistake. 最后才发现大错特错。
  I'm not sure we can get through this difficult time.  我不太确定,我们能不能走出这个难关。
  Don't worry. Things always turn out for the best.  不要担心,事情总会变好的。