夏洛的网 第204期:最后一天(3)(在线收听

   "Charlotte," said Wilbur. “夏洛,”威尔伯说,

  "We're all going home today. The Fair is almost over. “我们今天都要回家了。这集市差不多结束了。
  Won't it be wonderful to be back home in the barn cellar again with the sheep and the geese? 重新回到谷仓,又和那些羊和鹅聚在一起,这不是好极了吗?
  Aren't you anxious to get home?" 你不盼着回家吗?”
  For a moment Charlotte said nothing. 夏洛半晌不语。
  Then she spoke in a voice so low Wilbur could hardly hear the words. 接着它用那么轻的声音说话,威尔伯好不容易才听出来它在说什么。
  "I will not be going back to the barn," she said. “我不回谷仓去了。”它说。
  Wilbur leapt to his feet. 威尔伯跳起来。
  "Not going back?" he cried. “不回去?”它叫道,
  "Charlotte, what are you talking about?" “夏洛,你在说什么?”
  "I'm done for," she replied. “我完了,”它回答说,
  "In a day or two I'll be dead. “我一两天就死。
  I haven't even strength enough to climb down into the crate. 我甚至没有力气爬到下面板条箱里。
  I doubt if I have enough silk in my spinnerets to lower me to the ground." 我怀疑我的吐丝器里是不是还有足够的丝可以吊到地面。”
  Hearing this, Wilbur threw himself down in an agony of pain and sorrow. 威尔伯一听这话,悲痛万分,扑倒下来。
  Great sobs racked his body. 它大声抽嗒,
  He heaved and grunted with desolation. 浑身哆嗦。它喘着气悲伤地哼哼叫。
  "Charlotte," he moaned. "Charlotte! My true friend!" “夏洛,我忠实的朋友。”
  "Come now, let's not make a scene," said the spider. “好了,我们不要婆婆妈妈了,”蜘蛛说,
  "Be quiet, Wilbur. Stop thrashing about!" “安静下来,威尔伯。不要折腾自己了!”
  "But I can't stand it," shouted Wilbur. “可我受不了,”威尔伯大叫,
  "I won't leave you here alone to die. “我不能让你单独留下来等死。
  If you're going to stay here I shall stay, too." 你留下来我也要留下来。”