新闻纵贯线 Today updated 20:00 2017/05/19(在线收听

Wanna cry 2.0-UIWIX 勒索蠕虫升级版,中澳专家教大伙儿见招拆招

Welcome to "Today", an hour of world news and analysis--from a perspective. I am Jingnan

This past Monday saw organizations around the world feeling anxious about possible cyber attacks on their computer networks using a new kind of malware. Over the weekend, ransomware infected computers in tens of thousands of locations around the world, including hospitals and telecom companies. The software used in the massive attack, a variant of "Wanna Cry," was spread via email, and demanded 300 dollars worth of Bitcoin to release files and information. Reports of infected computers were seen in over 150 countries, including the UK, US, China, Russia, Spain, and Italy. Exactly what made this cyber attack so devastating on such a large scale? What is the secret behind the so-called ransomware, and how can we as laymen users protect our computers from such attacks?

These questions and more answered in this edition of Today.

For more on this, Joining our discussion today we have John Artman,Editor in chief at TechNode, a media outlet covering the latest news and trends about tech in China; Peter Coroneos,Founder&principal advisor, at Coroneos Cyber Intelligence, based in Sydney; Shen Yi, Associate Professor of School of International Relations and Public Affairs, at Fudan University in Shanghai. Prof. Shen's research focuses on Cyber security, Cyber Diplomacy and the Governance of Global Cyberspace.
