夏洛的网 第212期:温暖的风(2)(在线收听

   The autumn days grew shorter, 秋天的白昼越来越短,

  Lurvy brought the squashes and pumpkins in from the garden 勒维从菜园把南瓜什么的收进来,
  and piled them on the barn floor, 堆在谷仓地板上,
  where they wouldn't get nipped on frosty nights. 它们在这里,严寒的夜晚也不会冻坏。
  The maples and birches turned bright colors 槭树和桦树变成鲜亮的颜色,
  and the wind shook them 风吹得它们摇来摇去,
  and they dropped their leaves one by one to the ground. 叶子一片一片落到地上。
  Under the wild apple trees in the pasture, 在牧场的野苹果树下,
  the red little apples lay thick on the ground, 红色的小苹果厚厚地铺了一地,
  and the sheep gnawed them 羊啃它们,
  and the geese gnawed them 鹅啃它们,
  and foxes came in the night and sniffed them. 狐狸夜里来闻闻它们。
  One evening, just before Christmas,  snow began falling. 一天晚上,就在圣诞节来临之前,开始下雪了。
  It covered house and barn and fields and woods. 雪盖住了房子,盖住了谷仓,盖住了田野和林子。
  Wilbur had never seen snow before. 威尔伯还没有见过雪。
  When morning came he went out and plowed the drifts in his yard, for the fun of it. 早晨它走出去,踩踏猪栏里的积雪,开出路来,只是为了好玩。
  Fern and Avery arrived, dragging a sled. 弗恩和艾弗里拖着一个雪橇上这儿来。
  They coasted down the lane and out onto the frozen pond in the pasture. 他们滑下小路,滑到牧场上结了冰的池塘里去。
  "Coasting is the most fun there is," said Avery. “滑雪最好玩了。”艾弗里说。
  "The most fun there is," retorted Fern, "is when the Ferris wheel stops “不对,”弗恩顶他说,“最好玩的是费里斯转轮停下来,
  and Henry and I are in the top car 亨利和我在顶上那厢子里,
  and Henry makes the car swing 亨利让厢子晃来晃去,
  and we can see everything for miles and miles and miles." 我们在那上面能看到许多英里许多英里许多英里远。”
  "Goodness, are you still thinking about that ol' Ferris wheel?" said Avery in disgust. “天啊,你还在想着那老费里斯转轮?”艾弗里厌恶地说,
  "The Fair was weeks and weeks ago." “集市都不知道是多少多少个礼拜以前的事了。”
  "I think about it all the time," said Fern, picking snow from her ear. “我一直想着它。”弗恩擦掉耳朵上的雪说。