万物简史 第332期:美丽而危险(15)(在线收听

   Would there be any warning? “会有什么警报吗?”

  Probably not. The last significant explosion in the park was at a place called Pork Chop Geyser in 1989. “很可能没有。公园里上一次大喷发发生在1989年,在一个名叫猪排间歇泉的地方。
  That left a crater about five meters across—not huge by any means, but big enough if you happened to be standing there at the time. 那次喷发留下了一个大约5米宽的坑——反正不算很大,但要是你当时正好站在那个位置,那它就大得很了。
  Fortunately, nobody was around so nobody was hurt, but that happened without warning. 所幸没有人在场,因此没有人受伤,但它是在没有任何警报的情况下发生的。
  In the very ancient past there have been explosions that have made holes a mile across. 在遥远遥远的过去,有的喷发形成了1.5公里宽的大坑。
  And nobody can tell you where or when that might happen again. 谁也说不准这种事情会在哪儿或何时再次发生。
  You just have to hope that you're not standing there when it does. 你只能希望,它发生的时候你没有站在那儿。”
  Big rockfalls are also a danger. 大的岩崩也是一种危险。
  There was a big one at Gardiner Canyon in 1999, but again fortunately no one was hurt. 1999年在加迪纳峡谷发生过一次大岩崩,所幸没有人受伤。
  Late in the afternoon, Doss and I stopped at a place where there was a rock overhang poised above a busy park road. 下午晚些时候,多斯和我在一个地方停下来,只见一条行人众多的道路上方突出一块岩石。
  Cracks were clearly visible. 裂缝已经清晰可见。
  "It could go at any time," Doss said thoughtfully. “它随时都有可能掉下来。”多斯若有所思地说。
  You're kidding, I said. “你在开玩笑吧?”我说。
  There wasn't a moment when there weren't two cars passing beneath it, all filled with, in the most literal sense, happy campers. 几乎每时每刻都有几辆汽车从下面通过,里面都塞满了——完全按词的本义——快活的野营者。
  Oh, it's not likely, he added. "I'm just saying it could. “哦,不大会的,”他接着说,“我只是在说有这种可能。
  Equally it could stay like that for decades. 它有可能再坚持几十年。
  There's just no telling. 真的说不准。
  People have to accept that there is risk in coming here. 人们不得不承认,你来这儿就得冒风险。
  That's all there is to it." 事情就是那样。”
  As we walked back to his vehicle to head back to Mammoth Hot Springs, 我们走回他的车子跟前,准备返回马默思温泉。
  Doss added: "But the thing is, most of the time bad things don't happen. 他接着说:“问题在于,大部分时间里不会出事。
  Rocks don't fall. Earthquakes don't occur. New vents don't suddenly open up. 岩石没有掉下来,地震没有发生,新的喷气孔没有突然出现。
  For all the instability, it's mostly remarkably and amazingly tranquil." 尽管地下很不稳定,但在大多数情况下平安无事。”