老外最常用的英文短语 第629期:check out(在线收听

   check out  确认(调查),遥望,办理退宿手续(宾馆),出借(书籍)

  I'll check it out. 我会确认一下的。
  Hey, check out that girl! She is really hot! 喂,快点看看那女孩!真性感啊!
  Your wife checked out two hours ago. 您的夫人在两个小时前办理了退房手续。
  I'm checking out the restaurant with Tim. 我要和提姆去看看饭店。
  What time is your check-out? 几点前需要退房?
  Guests need to check out by 11:00 am.  客人们需要在上午11点办理退房。