老外最常用的英文短语 第639期:need somebody to(在线收听

   need somebody to  需要某人做某事

  I need you to get this done by tomorrow. 我需要你明天之前完成它。
  Mom, I need you to sign this document. It's for school. 妈,我需要你在这文件上签个名,是学校要的。
  You really don't need me to live with you. 你真不希望我和你一起住。
  Do you need me to go on a vacation with you? 你需要我陪你一起去度假吗?
  Do you need me to stay longer? 你要我多待一会吗?
  No, we're all finished. You can go.  不用了,我们完事了。你可以走了。