乔布斯传 第376期:在幕后彷徨(12)(在线收听

   The day the story came out, Apple stock shot up 11% in heavy trading. 这条消息公布当天,苹果的股票价格就飙升了11%,交易量巨大。

  To add to the frivolity, Ellison set up an email address, savapple @us.oracle.com, 更搞笑的是,埃利森还设立了一个电子邮箱savapple @us.oracle.com,
  asking the general public to vote on whether he should go ahead with it. 请公众投票他是否应该将此举进行下去。
  Jobs was somewhat amused by Ellison's self-appointed role. 乔布斯被埃利森自封的这个角色逗乐了。
  "Larry brings this up now and then," he told a reporter. "I try to explain my role at Apple is to be an advisor." “拉里时不时会提起这个想法,”他告诉一位记者,“我试图解释过,我在苹果的角色是个顾问。”
  Amelio, however, was livid. He called Ellison to dress him down, but Ellison wouldn't take the call. 而另一方面,阿梅里奥却勃然大怒。他给埃利森打电话,想斥责他,可是埃利森不接电话。
  So Amelio called Jobs, whose response was equivocal but also partly genuine. 所以阿梅里奥就给乔布斯打电话,乔布斯给他的答复模棱两可但也半真半假。
  "I really don't understand what is going on," he told Amelio. "I think all this is crazy." “我确实不知道这是怎么回事,”他吿诉阿梅里奥,“我认为这一切都疯了。”
  Then he added a reassurance that was not at all genuine: "You and I have a good relationship." 然后他又说了句连半真都算不上的安慰话。“你跟我交情很好。”
  Jobs could have ended the speculation by releasing a statement rejecting Ellison's idea, but much to Amelio's annoyance, he didn't. 乔布斯本可以发表一个声明,拒绝埃利森的想法,就能停止外界的猜测,但是让阿梅里奥非常烦恼的是,乔布斯没有这样做。
  He remained aloof, which served both his interests and his nature. 他一直冷眼旁观,那既符合他的利益也符合他的本性。