打工姐妹花第二季 第64期:冷爆的笑话(在线收听

   Anybody here have a smart car? 在场有人开斯玛特吗?

  Because I don't think it's smart to drive half a car. 开"半台车"在街上溜达,车主肯定不聪明。
  That was new, I'll keep working on it. All right, let's try another one. 你们这反应...我再琢磨琢磨好了。好啦,再说一个。
  You know what, maybe we weren't back far enough. 我知道了,可能是站得不够远
  Yeah! Yeah, that feels funnier already, right Caroline? 这就对了。站过来就感到笑气逼人了,对吧,卡洛琳?
  All right. You know who doesn't drive a smart car? Smart people. They don't do it. 好的。你们知道什么人不开斯玛特吗?聪明人,他们没这么笨。
  You gotta laugh. Seriously. You've got to. I've got a lot riding on this. 这不笑不行啊。真的该笑了啊。必须得笑,我把宝都押在这上面了。
  I just got it. Oh, my God. He stinks. 我懂你笑点了。老天爷啊,他冷爆了。
  He stinks on ice. Darius is gonna bomb tonight. And worse, he's going to bomb in front of Earl. 比冰块还冷啊,达叔今晚要出糗了。更惨的是,他会在厄尔面前出糗。
  And Earl's pretty sure that's the son he's most proud of. 厄尔最引以为傲的儿子就是达叔了。
  You're right. What are we gonna do? 你说得对,那怎么办?
  Now I know you lovely ladies came in for a shirt, but can I interest you in a nice suit? 我知道两位小姐是来挑衬衫的,请容在下给你们推荐这西装外套吧?
  Look at this one. It's a classic. You can't get this color above ground. 瞧这件,多经典。地面上开的店可不卖这颜色哦。
  That's it. Darius needs a suit. 就是这个,达叔需要一套西装
  All the professional comedians wear suits, and like you said, you have to dress for the job you want. 专业的单口相声员都穿西装,而且你也说了,做什么工穿什么衣服。
  And with jokes like that, he needs the funniest suit they have. 而他的烂段子,得靠最搞笑的西装才能救。
  Do you have anything from the Sinbad collection? I do. 你们有辛巴达系列的西装吗?有的。
  Max, I don't think the suit's gonna be enough. 麦克斯,光靠搞笑西装救不起吧
  I think he needs something else, you know, like, a puppet. 我觉得还得再加点东西,比如搭配一个布偶。
  A puppet? That's exactly what he needs. 布偶吗?够蠢够好笑,就是这个了。