万物简史 第344期:孤独的行星(9)(在线收听

   It has been suggested, not altogether cynically, that this was out of a purely contrarian instinct, 有人认为。而且不完全是挖苦地认为,这纯粹是出于一种敌对的本能。

  and that if he had been born in the Soviet Union he would have been a passionate monarchist. 要是他生在苏联,他可能会变成一名狂热的拥护君主制度者。
  At all events, most of his articles first appeared in the Communist Daily Worker. 无论如何,他的大部分文章最初是刊登在由共产党人主办的《工人日报》上的。
  Whereas his father's principal interests concerned miners and poisoning, 他父亲主要对矿工和中毒问题感兴趣,
  the younger Haldane became obsessed with saving submariners and divers from the unpleasant consequences of their work. 小霍尔丹则潜心研究潜艇乘员和潜水员的职业病的预防措施。
  With Admiralty funding he acquired a decompression chamber that he called the "pressure pot." 在海军部的资助下,他获得了一个他称之为“高压锅”的减压室。
  This was a metal cylinder into which three people at a time could be sealed and subjected to tests of various types, all painful and nearly all dangerous. 那是一个金属圆筒,一次可以同时把三个人密封在里面,进行各种痛苦而又危险的测试。
  Volunteers might be required to sit in ice water while breathing "aberrant atmosphere" or subjected to rapid changes of pressurization. 志愿者被要求坐在冰火里,同时呼吸“异常气体”或经受快速的压力变化。
  In one experiment, Haldane simulated a dangerously hasty ascent to see what would happen. 在一次实验中,霍尔丹亲自模仿快速上升的危险动作,看看会有什么事。
  What happened was that the dental fillings in his teeth exploded. 结果,他补牙的填料炸掉了。
  "Almost every experiment," Norton writes, "ended with someone having a seizure, bleeding, or vomiting." “几乎每一次试验,”诺顿写道,“都以有人痉挛、流血或呕吐告终。”
  The chamber was virtually soundproof, 减压室是隔音的,
  so the only way for occupants to signal unhappiness or distress was to tap insistently on the chamber wall or to hold up notes to a small window. 要是里面的人要想表示自己不舒服或很痛苦,他们非得不停的敲击减压室的墙壁,或在小窗口举起字条。
  On another occasion, while poisoning himself with elevated levels of oxygen, Haldane had a fit so severe that he crushed several vertebrae. 还有一次,霍尔丹吸入不断加大浓度的氧气,结果痉挛得厉害,摔断了几根椎骨。