老外最常用的英文短语 第646期:(There's) No need to...(在线收听

   It doesn't mean that ...  这不是……的意思

  It doesn't mean that I don't love you. 这不意味着我不爱你。
  It doesn't mean he's great in bed. 这不意味着他的床上功夫了得。
  That still doesn't mean you didn't kill him. 那也不能说明你没杀他。
  I guess that means we've got something in common. 我猜那是说,我们有很多共同点。
  The weather today really sucks.  今天的天气真差。
  It doesn't mean that the weather will be bad tomorrow.  这也不能表明明天的天气就一定差。