
In early February, the United States imposed restrictions on the export of defense articles and defense services into South Sudan. The United States does not directly sell arms to South Sudan, but the ban will prevent any U.S. company or citizen from providing military equipment or defense services to the warring factions.


Exports of weapons and ammunition into South Sudan undercut efforts to protect civilians and prohibiting the sale or transfer of arms pressures the Government of South Sudan and the armed opposition to implement the December 21 Cessation of Hostilities and start to end the trauma and displacement that millions of innocent South Sudanese have suffered.


South Sudan gained its independence from Sudan in 2011. Peace lasted less than 18 months. In December 2013, a power struggle between President Salva Kiir and Vice President Riek Machar erupted into civil war. The warring parties agreed to a peace accord in 2015, and to cease-fires on a number of occasions. All were broken before the ink was dry on the agreement. The continued fighting has cost the lives of thousands of people and led to a cut-back in oil production, a devastated economy, human rights abuses, hunger, and malnutrition.

2011年,南苏丹从苏丹分离出来,但和平只持续了不到18个月。2013年12月,总统萨尔瓦 基尔(Salva Kiir)与副总统里克 马查尔(Riek Machar)之间的权力斗争引发了内战。2015年,交战各方签订了和平协定和一系列停火协议。但签完协议没多久,停火局势再次被打破。持续的斩获导致无数人死亡,产油量下降,经济萎靡不振,人权遭到践踏,饥荒遍野,民众营养不良。

The United States is appalled by the continuing violence in South Sudan that has created one of Africa's worst humanitarian crises, said State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert in a written statement. One and a half million people are now on the brink of famine, despite enormous efforts by the United States and other donors since the conflict began in 2013 to stave off famine and save lives, she said.

美国对南苏丹持续的暴力局势感到震惊,这样的暴力局势引发了非洲最严重的人道主义危机,国务院发言人希瑟 诺尔特(Heather Nauert)在一份声明中这样说道。150万人即将陷入饥荒,虽然在此期间联合国和其他捐献国自2013年冲突开始后就做了很多工作来延缓饥荒并拯救生命,诺尔特如是说道。

We urge all countries, including South Sudan's neighbors, to promote peace and save innocent lives by cutting off the flow of defense articles and defense services to South Sudan and to halt support to actors who are working to destabilize the country. We encourage the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the African Union to consider sanctions measures against those who undermine the peace process.


Additionally, the United States is seeking support for a UN Security Council embargo on all arms flows into South Sudan and we urge all UN Security Council members to join us in supporting this action. The message must be clear – the United States, the region, and the international community will not stand idly by as innocent South Sudanese civilians are murdered.

