
This month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded more than $90,000 to two Texas universities for projects aiming to protect children in US-Mexico border communities from environmental hazards.


Texas A&M University School of Public Health received $45,000, and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center received $46,169.


The projects will focus on training childcare providers, parents, caretakers, and others on protecting children from environmental exposures in home, child care, and other settings. The projects also benefit overburdened communities by working to advance capacity of local community healthcare workers, known as promotoras, and others in communities to reduce environmental health disparities for minority and low-income populations. Children are often more vulnerable to pollutants than adults, due to differences in behavior and biology that might lead to greater exposure and susceptibility.


Chronic diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes are linked to air pollution. We will provide education on a variety of environmental hazards to promotoras, parents at elementary and middle schools, and pregnant women, said Genny Carillo, MD, of Texas A&M University School of Public Health.

哮喘、冠心病、糖尿病等慢性疾病都与空气污染有关。我们将向医护人员、中小学学生的家长、孕妇普及很多环境危险,德克萨斯A&M公共卫生大学的主任珍妮 卡里略(Genny Carillo)如是说道。

The education will provide participants the knowledge needed to identify indoor and outdoor pollutants, harmful chemicals in pesticides used at home, and how they can change or control them without exposing their children to the damaging effects.


The funds will go to production of training guides for promotoras, as well as two promotora workshops. It will likewise support the development of e-learning modules to be used in their new senior medical student elective on pediatric environmental health.


Ensuring children live, learn, and play in healthy environments is an investment in our nation's future, said EPA's Region 6 Administrator Anne Idsal. These grant recipients know how to make the most of this funding and bring tangible benefits to border communities.

确保孩子们可以在健康的环境里生活、学习、玩耍是对国家未来的投资,环境保护署六区的区长安妮(Anne Idsal)这样说道。这些补助金的接收方知道怎样充分利用这笔钱来为边境的各个社群提供实质性的福利。
