2017年CRI Chinese production of 'The Last Five Years' will premiere in Beijing(在线收听


"The Last Five Years," a classical musical composition written and composed by three-time Tony Winner Jason Brown, now has a Chinese adaptation.

The Chinese production, which will use a 6-member live band on stage, also features the directorial debut by Luo Lan.

"Although The Last Five Years is a simple love story, the interesting thing is an interweaving change of time simultaneously portrayed by our lead actress and actor. The lead actress would tell this love story in reversed chronological order from the fifth to the first year. The actor performs in chronological order starting from the moment when they began to know each other."

The musical, which explores a five-year relationship between Jamie and Cathy, stars Ji Jie, famous for his soul music style and unique voice since his start as top five of Super Boy in 2007.

He will share the stage with Jiang Qianru, who was once a winner of CCTV Young Singers Competition, and has since taken on leading roles in several acclaimed Chinese original musical productions.

This Chinese version of "The Last Five Years" will premiere in Beijing at the Poly Theatre in late January.
