VOA慢速英语2018 美副总统彭斯赴韩或会见朝鲜官员(在线收听

Pence Leaves Open Possibility to Meet North Korean Officials

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is not ruling out a meeting with North Korean officials during his trip to South Korea to attend the Winter Olympics.

美国副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)在韩国参加冬奥会期间不排除与朝鲜官员会面的可能性。

Pence was asked about the possibility of U.S.-North Korea talks before leaving Monday on his six-day Asia trip.


"Let me say President Trump has said he always believes in talking, but I haven't requested any meeting," Pence told reporters. He added, "But we'll see what happens."


His words were very similar to comments that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson made Monday. When asked about possible talks between Pence and North Korean officials, Tillerson said "we'll have to see what happens."


Pence spoke with reporters after visiting U.S. missile defense facilities at the U.S. Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage, Alaska. The base is used to monitor missile activity by North Korea and could respond to any possible attacks.


The vice president said if he does meet with any North Korean officials, he will tell them their country "once and for all" must give up its nuclear weapons and missile programs.


"We'll be telling the truth about North Korea at every stop," Pence said. "We'll be ensuring that whatever cooperation that's existing between North and South Korea today on Olympic teams does not cloud the reality of a regime that must continue to be isolated by the world community."


Pence is holding talks with officials in Japan before going to Seoul.


In South Korea, Pence will meet with President Moon Jae-in. He will also visit a memorial to 46 South Korean sailors killed in a 2010 underwater missile attack blamed on the North. He will then lead the official U.S. government delegation attending the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang. The Games begin February 9.

彭斯将会见韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)。他还将访问一处纪念碑,此碑为纪念2010年因朝鲜水雷袭击遇难的46名韩国海军。随后,他将率领美国政府代表团参加平昌冬奥会的开幕式。冬奥会将于2月9日开幕。

Pence wrote about his upcoming trip to the Olympics on Twitter. One goal, he said, will be to repeat a U.S. promise "to continue to isolate North Korea and ensure North Korea doesn't use the Olympics to paper over the truth about their regime, which oppresses its own people and threatens other nations."


Fred Warmbier, the father of American student Otto Warmbier, will be attending the opening ceremony as Pence's special guest. Otto was jailed in North Korea for 17 months and died last year shortly after being released and returning to the United States in a coma.

美国学生奥托·瓦姆比奥(Otto Warmbier)的父亲弗雷德·瓦姆比奥(Fred Warmbier)将作为彭斯的特约嘉宾出席开幕式。奥托遭朝鲜政府关押了17个月,去年陷入昏迷的他被释放后不久便去世。
