留美老师带你每日说英文 第904期:不想去承认的幻想和欲望(在线收听


We experience a host of fantasies and desires that we have a huge incentive to disavow, because of the extent to which they violate our self-image and our more normative commitments.

1.incentive 诱因、诱人的
incentive (n/adj.) 诱因、诱人的
motivation (n.) 动机
motive (n.) 动机
2.commitment 承诺
commitment (n.) 承诺
commit (v.) 犯罪、做(错事)
commission (n.) 回扣、佣金
3.normative 规范的
normative (adj.) 规范的
norm (n.) 准则、常态
normal (adj.) 正常的
abnormal (adj.) 不正常的
normality (n.) 正常