实战口语情景对话 第205期:非洲游猎 African Safari(在线收听

 Jessica: Ashley, when you went to Kenya did you do a safari? 

Ashley: Yes, it was incredible. Uh, we went of a five day safari. We were up every morning at 4:30 in the morning, um, to watch the animals and then we would have all day to kind of sit back and do nothing and then we'd go on another animal drive in the evening because that's when the animals are eating, so cause it's so hot in the day that they come out at dawn and dusk to graze. It was incredible. When we first started out, we weren't even in the national park, we were on our way to the park, and we saw some zebras and we were screaming at our safari driver,"Stop! Stop! There's zebras! There's Zebras!" And he's like, "Uh!", he's like,"You'll be sick of zebras by the end" and we were so sure, like there was no way, we will never be sick of zebras. We will never be sick of zebras animals, it's just, it's just to foreign, to incredible to us, but by the end we were like,"Uh, another zebra" No, I'm kidding, I mean still, it was incredible. We saw just lions and the whole thing, giraffes. Uh, to see giraffes run. Their necks, are just this wave. It's beautiful, so beautiful. 
Jessica: So were you most impressed with the giraffe or? 
Ashley: No, probably the lions. I mean, their the king. Just, we saw thirty different lions. It was, it was something out of a fairly tale. It was incredible. We even saw, we didn't see them make a kill but we saw them eating a kill, which was quite disgusting, but it was incredible to watch because there was a male lion who was, I guess he had already eaten cause you know the men eat first and then they let their families eat, but there was another male, we were trying to figure out the dynamic of it because he wouldn't, the one male was keeping the other one away and keeping him away so his cubs could eat and they were kind of fighting, growling, I mean we were only ten feet away from them, not even that, like five feet. We were right there. It smelled cause it was a dead, I don't know, buffalo. It was gross. But it was incredible. 
1. sit back
宽舒地休息; 不采取行动;
eg. I like to sit back and rest in the evenings.
eg. Get on with the work—this is no time to sit back. 
2. be sick of
eg. I am sick and tired of hearing all these people moaning...
eg. Most people here are sick of violence.
3. be impressed with
eg. We were deeply impressed with this sight.
eg. I was deeply impressed with the changes brought about by the project.