名人认知系列 哲学思想家1:Confucius 孔子(在线收听



Zhuangzi once characterized Confucius as saying, “You may forget me as I once was, but there is something unforgettable about me that will still live on.” This prediction remains accurate as Confucius' words still live on today and have been quoted by people down through the ages. Because of the writings and teachings he left behind,Confucius is considered one of history’s wisest men.


When he was bom in 551 B.C. in Lu, China, the baby who would someday be called Kong Fuzi was named Kong Qiu. Confucius' father, Kong Shulianghe, was a descendant of the royal family of Shang and had at one time been governor of the town of Zou. When Kong Qiu was three years old, his father died, leaving the child and his young mother in poverty. As Kong Qiu grew older, their financial situation required him to take on menial jobs such as caring for livestock. He became known as a polite, smart and hard-working young man with an insatiable desire to learn. This thirst for knowledge would push him toward a life of learning and teaching others.

公元前551年,孔子诞生于鲁国,这名未来的“孔夫子”被取名为“孔丘”。孔子的父亲孔叔梁纥为商朝王室后裔,也曾治理过邹邑。孔丘3岁时,父亲去世,独留他与年纪尚轻的母亲贫苦度日。孔丘渐渐长大了,因为家中经济拮据,他不得不从事卑微的工作,如看牲 畜。后来他成为大家眼中有礼貌、聪明勤奋、好学上进的年轻人,而且有着永无止境的求知欲。求知若渴促使孔子一生都在学习和教导他人。

Confucius married when he was 19,had a son and two daughters, and continued working assorted jobs, including several in his local government. Around the age of 30, Confucius began his teaching career, sometimes traveling from town to town while teaching a group of students who accompanied him. As a result, it didn’t take long for his principles to spread and for others to begin recognizing him for the wise sage that he was.


Confucius became increasingly distressed by the political corruption and disorder in society, so he decided to get involved in politics, hoping to make a change. But after tens of years of trying, he failed in persuading even one ruler to practice his moral doctrines. Yet Confticius never faltered in his belief that the most important task of any ruler was to work for the welfare and happiness of his people.


He spent the rest years of his life studying, writing and teaching his ever-expanding group of students. It’s been said that up to 3,000 men may have studied with Confucius.

孔子的余年致力于研究、写作,教导不断增加的学生。据说有3, 000名学生曾受教于孔子。

Sadly, Confucius’ last years were unhappy. One morning in 479 B.C., the sage died in bed. His followers buried him with great ceremony, built huts close to his grave, and spent the next three years there in mournful respect.

