
The United States is slated to become the world's largest oil producer by the year 2023, according to the International Energy Association, or IEA. The rising demand for oil, said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol, has unleashed a wave of growth from the U.S. American crude production is expected to reach a record of 12.1 million barrels a day in 2023, up from the current 10.6 million a day. This means that the U.S. will out produce Russia, which currently pumps the most oil at 11 million barrels a day.

根据国际能源署(IEA)发布的报告,美国将在2023年之前成为全球最大的石油生产国。国际能源署署长法提赫 比罗尔(Fatih Birol)表示,石油需求上涨的形势使美国经济实现了一波增长。美国2023年的原油生产量预计创纪录达到1210万桶/天,而当前的原油生产量是1060万桶/天。也就是说,美国的原油生产量将超过俄罗斯,后者当前每天最多可生产1100万桶

The American oil boom is being helped by technological advances, improved efficiency and a moderate increase in oil prices that has made shale drilling cost effective. Moreover, President Donald Trump has reversed a historic number of regulations to allow use of public and private lands to safely develop oil and gas and other energy resources, including wind and solar.

This means that the United States is getting closer to President Trump's stated goal of energy independence. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said recently that, Our continent has become the energy force for this century, thanks in large part to rapid expansion in natural gas and tight oil production.


U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke stressed that opening up of new lands to energy exploration also includes “stewardship” of the environment. Indeed, he noted that the U.S. is embarking on its largest investment in its public lands and the park system in the history of this country, and it's going to be funded from energy.

美国内政部部长莱恩 辛克(Ryan Zinke)强调,开放新土地进行能源开发的同时也要“管理”环境。特朗普强调,美国正在着手进行对公用土地和园林系统进行历史性的投资,将由能源收入提供资金

In a recent discussion forum, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry noted the importance of allowing the private sector to develop the oil and natural gas sectors. Rapid growth in the production of Liquefied Natural Gas has enabled the U.S.to become a net exporter. As a net exporter, the U.S. is not just exporting energy, but freedom, said Secretary Perry. You think about what that means around the world, that… people who we want to be our allies, now know that because of American energy coming to their shores, they are free from countries that would. . .put those values that those countries have in jeopardy.

在最近举行的一次讨论会上,能源部部长里克 佩里(Rick Perry)强调了允许私营部门发展石油和天然气业的重要性。液化天然气产量的快速上涨让美国成为了净出口国。作为净出口国,美国不只出口能源,也出口自由,部长佩里如是说道。大家可以想想这种情形对全球而言意味着什么:我们希望能成为盟友的人如今知道由于美国的能源出口到了他们的国家,所以他们可以不受一些国家的控制,不必因某些国家而将自己的价值观置于危险的境地
