实战口语情景对话 第357期:The Crash 摔倒(在线收听

   We have a lot of great ski areas in Colorado so I started skiing at a very early age. I think I was about 5 or 6 years old when I began and one time I went up the chair lift and on the first run down in the morning I was skiing on a pretty icy section and I got going pretty fast and suddenly I hit a much softer patch of snow and it threw me forward and I had a terrible crash and I couldn't move my leg so my dad asked someone to call the ski patrol and when the ski patrol came down they put me in a sled and the ski patrol skied in front of the sled and took me all the way down to the medical clinic. They have a small clinic with doctors right at the ski area. Although they don't have the equipment to, to fix my leg. 科罗拉多州有很多很棒的滑雪场,所以我很小就开始滑雪了。我想那大概是5、6岁的时候,有一次上午的时候,我坐升降椅上去,在第一次滑下来的时候,我是在一个结了很多冰的区域上滑的,我滑的速度很快,可是突然我撞到了一块柔软的雪,然后我就冲向前面摔倒了,当时我的腿不能动,所以我爸爸让别人给滑雪巡逻队打电话,滑雪巡逻队来了以后把我放在雪橇上,然后他们在雪橇前面滑,一直把我带去了医疗诊所,那里有滑雪场的医生。不过他们并没有设备来固定我的腿。 They didn't have the equipment to fix my leg, but they did immobilize my leg, make it so I couldn't move it, so it would be protected while my dad drove me down to the city to take me to a bigger hospital. At the hospital they put my leg in a cast and then they gave me crutches, which I used for about two or three months, so I remember I was in first grade and all of the other students signed my cast, wrote their name on my cast, so it was actually kind of fun in the end. 虽然他们没有设备来固定我的腿,但是他们确实为我固定了,那会保护我,而我不能动,之后我爸爸开车带我去了城市里的大医院。医院给我的腿打了石膏,给了我拐杖,那个拐杖我大概用了两三个月,我记得我考到第一名的时候,班里其他的同学都在我的石膏上签名,所以最后真的很有乐趣。
