实战口语情景对话 第360期:Home Vacation 家乡度假(在线收听

   OK, now I'll talk about my winter vacation. This winter vacation I spent two weeks in my hometown which is Daytona Beach, Florida. It was wonderful. The weather was warm every day. It was sunny every day and the temperature was almost 80 degrees. I visited my mother and I spent every morning having a nice leisurely cup of coffee and reading the newspaper and after that I got my bicycle out and rode down to the beach and enjoyed the sun and the surf, ah, came back home and read a book and went to bed early. 好,现在我要谈谈我的寒假。这个寒假我在家乡佛罗里达州的代托纳海滩度过了两周时间。那真是太美好了。每天都是温暖明朗的天气,温度达到近80华氏度。我还去看望了我母亲,每天早上我都会一边悠闲地享用美味的咖啡,一边看报纸,之后我会骑自行车去海滩,尽情享受阳光和海浪,我回到家以后会看书,然后会早点睡觉。 I had a wonderful time. I saw a couple of new movies, when I was home in Florida. I saw The Aviator and also an interesting movie called Spanglish, which I hope you all can see because it's an interesting movie about English and the Spanish. 我过得非常愉快。我在佛罗里达的家中休假时看了几部新电影。我看了《飞行家》,还有一部很有意思的电影《西班牙女佣》,我希望你们可以看看这部电影,因为它很有趣,讲的是英国人和西班牙人之间发生的故事。
