实战口语情景对话 第363期:Knitting 编织(在线收听

   When I was a little girl, I used to knit all the time. I used to knit jumpers and hats and scarves. I even used to knit little dolls sometimes: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for example.

  When you knit with two needles you can put the thread or the wool around your needles in different ways, so that you get different patterns in the wool. So in this picture for example, you have two different stitches. The one on the left is called "rib stitch" and the one on the right is called pearl stitch. Yesterday I started to knit a scarf for myself. The wool is dark green and it's in rib stitch. Until today I've knitted four balls of wool, but I think I will need ten all together, because it is going to be a very big scarf to help keep me warm this winter. 你用两根针编织的时候,可以用两种方法把线或者毛线绕过毛衣针,这样你就可以织出不同的图案了。以这幅图为例,这件衣服就使用了不同的针法。左边的针法名为罗纹编织,而右边则是珠式编织。昨天我开始为自己织围巾。我选的毛线颜色是深绿色,而我用的针法是罗纹编织。现在我已经织完四球毛线了,不过我想我可能一共需要十球毛线,因为我要织条大围巾,这样我在冬天的时候就能保暖了。