向前一步:第5期 导言 内心的革命(5)(在线收听

 I saw that the senior leaders were almost entirely male, but I thought that was due to historical discrimination against women. 然而,我也发现高层领导者几乎都是男性,我认为这是对女性的传统歧视所造成的结果。

The proverbial glass ceiling had been cracked in almost every industry, 公认的”玻璃天花板”开始破裂,几乎每个行业里的情况都是如此。
and I believed that it was just a matter of time until my generation took our fair share of the leadership roles. 我相信我们这代人能够实现男女平等地分享高层领导席位,这只是时间早晚的事。
But with each passing year, fewer and fewer of my colleagues were women. 但每过一年,我身边女同事的数量就会减少一些,
More and more often, I was the only woman in the room. 渐渐地,我成了房间里唯一的女性。
Being the sole woman has resulted in some awkward yet revealing situations. 成为唯一的女性高层管理者,这会引发让人难堪却又颇有意义的一些状况。
Two years after I joined Facebook as chief operating officer, our chief financial officer departed suddenly, 在我作为首席运营官加入脸谱网两年后,公司的首席财政官突然离职,
and I had to step in to complete a funding round. 于是我不得不参与完成一项融资工作。
Since I had spent my career in operations, not finance, the process of raising capital was new and a bit scary. 由于之前一直从事运营而非财务方面的工作,所以筹集资金的过程对我来说既新鲜又有些让人害怕。
My team and I flew to New York for the initial pitch to private equity firms. 我和我的团队飞往纽约,初步接触和游说私募公司。
Our first meeting was held in the kind of corporate office featured in movies, complete with a sprawling view of Manhattan. 我们第一次开会的地点和电影里的办公场景相差无几:会议室内的办公家具精美,通过落地窗还能一览曼哈顿的美景。
I offered an overview of our business and answered questions. So far so good. 我概括地介绍了公司的业务,并回答对方提出的问题。一切都进展得很顺利。
Then someone suggested that we break for a few minutes. 然后,有人提议休息几分钟。
I turned to the senior partner and asked where the women's restroom was. 于是我问合作伙伴,女士洗手间在哪儿。
He stared at me blankly. My question had completely stumped him. 他很茫然地盯着我,看来这问题把他给问住了。
I asked, "How long have you been in this office?" And he said, "One year." 我又问:“你在这儿工作多长时间了?”他回答:“一年。”
"Am I the only woman to have pitched a deal here in an entire year?" “难道我是一年中来到这里谈生意的唯一女性吗?”
"I think so," he said, adding, "or maybe you're the only one who had to use the bathroom." “我想是的,”他说,然后又补充道,”或者说你是唯一一个必须使用女士洗手间的人。”