向前一步:第9期 导言 内心的革命(9)(在线收听

 I am encouraging women to address the chicken, but I fully support those who are focusing on the egg. 我既鼓励那些忙于前者的女性,也完全支持那些为后者而努力的女性。

Internal obstacles are rarely discussed and often underplayed. 实际上,女性内在障碍的影响很少被谈及,而且常常被人们一笔带过。
Throughout my life, I was told over and over about inequalities in the workplace and how hard it would be to have a career and a family. 在我的职业生涯中,我总是听到女性谈论工作环境中的男女是如何不平等、事业与家庭如何难以兼顾等。
I rarely heard anything, however, about the ways I might hold myself back. 不过,我却很少听到让她们犹豫不前的原因。
These internal obstacles deserve a lot more attention, in part because they are under our own control. 这些内在的障碍理应得到更多重视,因为这是我们可以控制的因素。
We can dismantle the hurdles in ourselves today. We can start this very moment. 如今,我们可以卸下内心的包袱,我们现在就可以开始行动。
I never thought I would write a book. 我从没想过自己会写书。
I am not a scholar, a journalist, or a sociologist. 我不是学者、记者或社会学家,
But I decided to speak out after talking to hundreds of women, listening to their struggles, sharing my own, 但我曾与许多女性交谈、了解并分享我们彼此的纠结,
and realizing that the gains we have made are not enough and may even be slipping. 认识到我们的收入并不充裕甚至还在下滑,因此我决定坦率地表达心声。
The first chapter of this book lays out some of the complex challenges women face. 本书第1章列举了女性面对的挑战,
Each subsequent chapter focuses on an adjustment or difference that we can make ourselves: 此后每章集中谈论一个我们所能做出的调整或改变,包括:
increasing our self-confidence ("Sit at the Table"), getting our partners to do more at home ("Make Your Partner a Real Partner"), 增强自信(“往桌前坐”),让我们的伴侣多分担些家务(让你的另一半成为真正的“人生搭档”),
not holding ourselves to unattainable standards ("The Myth of Doing It All"). 而不是勉强自己去达到难以实现的标准(“全能女人”是个神话)。
I do not pretend to have perfect solutions to these deep and complicated issues. 我不会夸口我能提供完美的方案来解决这些深刻而复杂的问题,
I rely on hard data, academic research, my own observations, and lessons I have learned along the way. 我所依赖的是学术研究成果、真实的数据、自己的观察以及多年来的经验教训。