向前一步:第13期 职业女性的内在障碍(2)(在线收听

   When she left her job to marry my grandfather, family legend has it that David's had to hire four people to replace her. 她干得相当不错,当她辞掉工作与我的外祖父结婚时,那家店的老板不得不雇用4个人来顶她的缺。

  Years later, when my grandfather's paint business was struggling, 若干年后,当外祖父为他的涂料生意苦苦挣扎时,
  she jumped in and took some of the hard steps he was reluctant to take, helping to save the family from financial ruin. 外祖母挺身而出,将整个家庭从经济窘困中挽救出来。
  She displayed her business acumen again in her forties.  在她40多岁时,她又一次展现了自己的商业头脑。
  After being diagnosed with breast cancer, she beat it  当时她被被诊断出患有乳腺癌,然而她最终战胜了癌症,
  and then dedicated herself to raising money for the clinic that treated her by selling knockoff watches out of the trunk of her car. 之后一直致力于为她治疗的那家诊所筹款。外祖母还开创了一项副业,就是拉着一后备箱的山寨手表四处贩卖,
  Girlie ended up with a profit margin that Apple would envy. 当时她赚的钱多到即便是苹果公司也会眼红。
  I have never met anyone with more energy and determination than my grandmother. 我从未遇到过比我外祖母更有精力和毅力的人。
  When Warren Buffett talks about competing against only half of the population, 当巴菲特谈到他只是在和全世界一半的男人竞争时,
  I think about her and wonder how different her life might have been if she had been born half a century later. 我想到了外祖母,如果她出生在半个世纪以后的今天,将会拥有怎样不同的人生呢?
  When my grandmother had children of her own—my mother and her two brothers—she emphasized education for all of them. 当我的外祖母有了自己的孩子,也就是我的母亲和我的两个舅舅后,她非常重视他们的教育。
  My mother attended the University of Pennsylvania, where classes were coed. 我的母亲后来考入了宾夕法尼亚大学,当时这所学校是男女同校的。
  When she graduated in 1965 with a degree in French literature, 1965年,母亲获得了法国文学学士学位,
  she surveyed a workforce that she believed consisted of two career options for women: teaching or nursing. She chose teaching. 她调查了两种适合女性的职业——教师和护士,最后选择做一名教师。
  She began a Ph.D. program, got married, and then dropped out when she became pregnant with me.  之后,母亲又开始攻读法国文学的博士学位,但因为怀上了我中途退了学。