
 Get down! Will whispered urgently. Something's wrong. 快趴下来!威尔焦急地低声说:出怪事了。

Royce did not move. He looked down at the empty clearing and laughed. 罗伊斯没动,他俯瞰着下面空荡荡的平地笑道:
Your dead men seem to have moved camp, Will. 威尔,看来你说的那些死人转移阵地啰。
Will's voice abandoned him. He groped for words that did not come. It was not possible. 威尔仿佛突然间丧失了说话能力,他竭力寻找合适的字眼,却徒劳无功。怎么会有这种事,
His eyes swept back and forth over the abandoned campsite, stopped on the axe. 他的视线在荒废的营地中来回扫视,最后停留在那柄斧头上。
A huge double-bladed battle-axe, still lying where he had seen it last, untouched. A valuable weapon. 这么一把巨大的双刃战斧,竟会留在原地纹丝不动。照说这么值钱的家伙……
On your feet, Will, Ser Waymar commanded. There's no one here. I won't have you hiding under a bush. 威尔,起来罢。威玛爵士命令道,这里没人,躲躲藏藏的,成何体统!
Reluctantly, Will obeyed. 威尔很不情愿地照办。
Ser Waymar looked him over with open disapproval. 威玛爵士不满地上下打量他。
I am not going back to Castle Black a failure on my first ranging. We will find these men. 我可不想第一次巡逻就铩羽而归。我们一定要找到这些家伙。
He glanced around. Up the tree. Be quick about it. Look for a fire. 他环顾四周。爬到树上去看看,动作快,注意附近有没有火光。
Will turned away, wordless. There was no use to argue. The wind was moving. 威尔无言地转身,知道辩解无益。风势转强,
It cut right through him. He went to the tree, a vaulting grey-green sentinel, and began to climb. 有如刀割。他走到高耸笔直的青灰色哨兵树旁开始往上爬。
Soon his hands were sticky with sap, and he was lost among the needles. 很快他便消失在无边松针里,双手沾满树汁。
Fear filled his gut like a meal he could not digest. He whispered a prayer to the nameless gods of the wood, 恐惧像肚里一顿难以消化的饭菜,他只能向不知名的森林之神默祷,
and slipped his dirk free of its sheath. He put it between his teeth to keep both hands free for climbing. 一边抽出匕首,用牙咬住,空出双手攀爬。
The taste of cold iron in his mouth gave him comfort. 嘴里冰冷的兵器让他稍微安了点心。