冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第61期:第四章 艾德 (11)(在线收听

 They started back down between the pillars. Blind stone eyes seemed to follow them as they passed.  他们朝墓窖的出口走去,两人穿梭於石柱之间,两旁的史塔克死者空洞的眼神彷佛跟随著他们的脚步。

The king kept his arm around Ned’s shoulder. You must have wondered why I finally came north to Winterfell, after so long. 国王依旧楼著奈德:你一定想不透,为什麽我隔了这么多年才到临冬城来。
Ned had his suspicions, but he did not give them voice. For the joy of my company, surely, he said lightly.  奈德的确有几个可能的猜测,但他没说出来。我看是想来和我作伴?他故作轻松地说:
And there is the Wall. You need to see it, Your Grace, to walk along its battlements and talk to those who man it.  不然就是绝境长城的缘故。陛下,您一定要看看,然後亲自在城墙上走一回,和守军谈谈。
The Night’s Watch is a shadow of what it once was. Benjen says... 守夜人部队如今已经没有过去的盛况,班扬说……
No doubt I will hear what your brother says soon enough, Robert said.  相信我很快就会有机会当面和你弟弟聊聊,劳勃说:
The Wall has stood for what, eight thousand years? It can keep a few days more.  至於绝境长城,已经在那儿多久了?有八千多年了吧,再撑个几天应该没问题。
I have more pressing concerns. These are difficult times. I need good men about me.  我有更要紧的事要跟你说,现在时局紧张,我需要信得过的得力助手,
Men like Jon Arryn. He served as Lord of the Eyrie, as Warden of the East, as the Hand of the King. He will not be easy to replace. 像琼恩·艾林那样的人。他既是鹰巢城主,又是东境统领和御前首相,要找到合适的替代人选可不容易。
His son Ned began. 他的儿子……奈德开口道。
His son will succeed to the Eyrie and all its incomes, Robert said brusquely. No more. 他的儿子会继承鹰巢城主爵位,以及附近领地所有的税赋。劳勃打断他的话:就这样了。
That took Ned by surprise. He stopped, startled, and turned to look at his king. The words came unbidden.  奈德大吃一惊,错愕地停下脚步,转身面对国王,脱口便说:
The Arryns have always been Wardens of the East. The title goes with the domain. 艾林家族世代担任东境统领,这是个世袭的职位啊。
Perhaps when he comes of age, the honor can be restored to him, Robert said.  等他长大成人之後,我再考虑要不要交还给他。劳勃道:
I have this year to think of, and next. A six-year-old boy is no war leader, Ned. 然而我要考虑的是今年和往後的几年。奈德,六岁的小男孩是没法统率军队的。