冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第63期:第四章 艾德 (13)(在线收听

 I understand,Ned said softly. 我了解。奈德轻轻地说。

Robert looked at him. I think you do. If so, you are the only one, my old friend. 劳勃看著他说:老朋友,我想也只有你能够了解了。
He smiled. Lord Eddard Stark, I would name you the Hand of the King.” 他面带微笑道:艾德·史塔克大人,我将任命你为御前首相。
Ned dropped to one knee. The offer did not surprise him;  奈德单膝跪下。他并不感到意外,
what other reason could Robert have had for coming so far?  除了这个原因,劳勃还会为了什麽千里迢迢北上呢?
The Hand of the King was the second-most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms.  御前首相是七大王国中一人之下,万人之上的显赫要职,
He spoke with the king’s voice, commanded the king’s armies, drafted the king’s laws.  他代国王发号施舍,统御三军,执掌司法。
At times he even sat upon the Iron Throne to dispense king’s justice, when the king was absent, or sick, or otherwise indisposed.  遇到国王缺席、生病或其他突发事件,他甚至会坐上铁王座,实际统治国家。
Robert was offering him a responsibility as large as the realm itself. It was the last thing in the world he wanted. 劳勃等於是将王国交到他手中。而这却是他最最不想要的。
Your Grace,he said. I am not worthy of the honor.” 陛下,他说:恐怕我的能力不足以胜任此等要职。
Robert groaned with good-humored impatience. If I wanted to honor you, I’d let you retire.  劳勃高兴地发出一声佯装不耐的咕哝声说:如果我更为你著想,我会让你退休的。
I am planning to make you run the kingdom and fight the wars while I eat and drink and wench myself into an early grave. 我打算让你来治理国家,带兵打仗,而我自己呢?则痛痛快快地吃喝玩乐,嫖个过瘾。
He slapped his gut and grinned. You know the saying, about the king and his Hand?” 他拍拍肚皮,嘿嘿笑道:你知道那句形容国王和首相的谚语吧?
Ned knew the saying. What the king dreams,he said, the Hand builds.” 奈德当然知道。国王作梦,他说:首相筑梦。
I bedded a fishmaid once who told me the lowborn have a choicer way to put it.  有个跟我上过床的渔家女孩告诉我,说她们中下阶层的百姓有个更妙的比喻:
The king eats, they say, and the Hand takes the shit.He threw back his head and roared his laughter.  国王吃饭,首相清屎。这句话一说完,他仰头狂笑,
The echoes rang through the darkness, and all around them the dead of Winterfell seemed to watch with cold and disapproving eyes. 回音响彻黑暗,四面八方的临冬城死者似乎很不以为然地冷眼旁观。