冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第82期:第六章 凯特琳 (7)(在线收听

 Maester Luwin averted his eyes. Even Ned looked shocked. What are you doing?he asked. 鲁温学士见状立刻别过头去,连奈德都被她突如其来的举动给吓住。"你要做什么?"他问。

Lighting a fire,Catelyn told him. She found a dressing gown and shrugged into it, then knelt over the cold hearth. "生火。"凯特琳告诉他。她从衣柜里找出一件睡袍,披上之后在早已冷却的火炉前蹲了下来。
Maester Luwin...Ned began. "鲁温师傅……"奈德开口。
Maester Luwin has delivered all my children,Catelyn said. This is no time for false modesty. "我每一个孩子都是鲁温师傅接生的,"凯特琳道,"现在可不是讲究虚伪礼数的时候。"
She slid the paper in among the kindling and placed the heavier logs on top of it. 说完她把信纸塞进甫燃的火中,然后将几根粗木堆在上面。
Ned crossed the room, took her by the arm, and pulled her to her feet.  奈德走过房间,挽着她的胳膊,把她扶起。
He held her there, his face inches from her. My lady, tell me! What was this message?” 他的手紧握她不放,脸离她只有几寸。"夫人,快告诉我!信里面究竟写了些什么?"
Catelyn stiffened in his grasp. A warning,she said softly. If we have the wits to hear.” 凯特琳在他的逼问下浑身僵直。"那是封警告信,"她轻声道,"如果我们够聪明,听得进去的话。"
His eyes searched her face. Go on.” 他的眼神在她脸上搜索。"请说下去。"
Lysa says Jon Arryn was murdered.” "莱莎说琼恩·艾林乃是被人谋害。"
His fingers tightened on her arm. By whom?” 他的手指握得更紧。"被谁谋害?"
The Lannisters,she told him. The queen.” "兰尼斯特家。"她告诉他说,"当今的王后。"
Ned released his hold on her arm. There were deep red marks on her skin. Gods,he whispered. His voice was hoarse.  奈德松开手,她的臂膀上留下了鲜明的深红指印。"老天,"他粗声低语,
Your sister is sick with grief. She cannot know what she is saying.” "你妹妹伤心过度,她根本不知道自己在说些什么。"
She knows,Catelyn said. Lysa is impulsive, yes, but this message was carefully planned, cleverly hidden.  "她当然知道,"凯特琳道,"莱莎本人是很冲动,但这封信乃是经过精密策划,小心隐藏的。
She knew it meant death if her letter fell into the wrong hands. To risk so much, she must have had more than mere suspicion. 她一定很清楚信若是落入他人手里,她必死无疑,可见这绝非空穴来风,否则她不会甘冒这么大的风险。"
Catelyn looked to her husband. Now we truly have no choice. You must be Robert’s Hand. You must go south with him and learn the truth.” 凯特琳注视着她的丈夫,"这下我们真的别无选择,你非当劳勃的首相不可,你得亲自南下去查个水落石出。"