冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第83期:第六章 凯特琳 (8)(在线收听

 She saw at once that Ned had reached a very different conclusion.  她立即明白奈德已然下了个截然相反的结论。

The only truths I know are here. The south is a nest of adders I would do better to avoid. "我知道的是,南方是个充满毒蛇猛兽的地方,我还是避开为宜。"
Luwin plucked at his chain collar where it had chafed the soft skin of his throat.  鲁温拨了拨项链刮伤喉咙皮肤的地方:
The Hand of the King has great power, my lord. Power to find the truth of Lord Arryn’s death, to bring his killers to the king’s justice.  "老爷,御前首相握有大权,足以查出艾林公爵的真正死因,并将凶手绳之以法。
Power to protect Lady Arryn and her son, if the worst be true. 就算情况不妙,要保护艾林夫人和她的幼子,却也绰绰有余。"
Ned glanced helplessly around the bedchamber. Catelyn’s heart went out to him, but she knew she could not take him in her arms just then.  奈德无助地环视房间四周,凯特琳的心也随着他的视线飘移,但她知道此刻还不能拥他入怀。
First the victory must be won, for her children’s sake. You say you love Robert like a brother.  为了她的子女着想,她必须先打赢眼前这场仗。"你说你爱劳勃胜过亲生兄弟,
Would you leave your brother surrounded by Lannisters? 你难道忍心眼看自家兄弟被兰尼斯特家的人包围吗?"
The Others take both of you, Ned muttered darkly. He turned away from them and went to the window.  "你们两个都叫异鬼给抓去吧。"奈德喃喃咒道。他转身背对他们两人,径往窗边走去。
She did not speak, nor did the maester. They waited, quiet, while Eddard Stark said a silent farewell to the home he loved.  她没有开口,学士也一言不发。他们默默地等待奈德向他挚爱的家园静静地道别,
When he turned away from the window at last, his voice was tired and full of melancholy, and moisture glittered faintly in the corners of his eyes.  当他终于从窗边回首时,他的声音是如此疲惫而感伤,眼角也微微湿润,"
My father went south once, to answer the summons of a king. He never came home again. 我父亲一生之中只去过南方一次,就是响应国王的召唤。结果一去不返。"
A different time, Maester Luwin said. A different king. "时局不同,"鲁温师傅道,"国王也不一样。"