冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第96期:第七章 艾莉亚 (7)(在线收听

 A shade more exhausting than needlework, Jon observed. "看到没有,这恐怕比做针线活儿要累哟。"琼恩表示。

A shade more fun than needlework, Arya gave back at him. Jon grinned, reached over, and messed up her hair.  "可也比做针线活儿要好玩多了。"艾莉亚回嘴。琼恩咧嘴一笑,伸手过来拨弄她的头发。
Arya flushed. They had always been close. Jon had their father’s face, as she did. They were the only ones.  艾莉亚脸红了,他们一向很亲,在所有的孩子里,就数琼恩和她遗传到父亲的长脸。
Robb and Sansa and Bran and even little Rickon all took after the Tullys, with easy smiles and fire in their hair.  罗柏、珊莎和布兰都长得比较像徒利家的人,就连小瑞肯也是笑容可掬,发红似火。
When Arya had been little, she had been afraid that meant that she was a bastard too.  艾莉亚小时候,还曾经害怕自己也是个私生子。
It been Jon she had gone to in her fear, and Jon who had reassured her. 她害怕的时候就去找琼恩,因为琼恩总能让她安心。
Why aren’t you down in the yard? Arya asked him. "你怎么没跟他们一起下场子?"艾莉亚问他。
He gave her a half smile. Bastards are not allowed to damage young princes, he said.  他浅浅一笑:"私生子没资格跟王子过招,"他说,
Any bruises they take in the practice yard must come from trueborn swords. "就算练习,也只有正室的孩子可以伤他们。"
Oh. Arya felt abashed. She should have realized. For the second time today, Arya reflected that life was not fair. "噢。"艾莉亚觉得好生尴尬,她早该想到这点才对。在同一天里,她第二次感叹生命的不公平。
She watched her little brother whack at Tommen. I could do just as good as Bran, she said. He’s only seven. I’m nine. 她看着自己的小弟挥剑朝托曼砍去。"我打起来不输布兰,"她说,"他才七岁,我已经九岁了。"
Jon looked her over with all his fourteen-year-old wisdom. You’re too skinny, he said. He took her arm to feel her muscle.  琼恩以一副小大人的姿态打量着她:"你太瘦啦,"他挽起她的手,量度她的肌肉发育,
Then he sighed and shook his head. I doubt you could even lift a longsword, little sister, never mind swing one. 然后摇头叹气,"小妹,我看你连把长剑都举不起,更别说是挥舞格斗了。"
Arya snatched back her arm and glared at him. Jon messed up her hair again. They watched Bran and Tommen circle each other. 艾莉亚抽回手,很不服气地瞪着他看。于是琼恩又伸手拨弄她的一头乱发。两人静静地坐在一起,看着布兰和托曼互相兜圈子。