冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第97期:第七章 艾莉亚 (8)(在线收听) |
You see Prince Joffrey? Jon asked. "你看到乔佛里王子了吗?"琼恩问。 She hadn’t, not at first glance, but when she looked again she found him to the back, under the shade of the high stone wall. 她原本没有看到,但仔细一瞧,便发现他站在广场后方高大石墙的阴影里,
He was surrounded by men she did not recognize, young squires in the livery of Lannister and Baratheon, strangers all. 身旁围绕着她不认识的人,他们穿着兰尼斯特家和拜拉席恩家的制服,大概都是年轻侍从吧。
There were a few older men among them; knights, she surmised. 人群里还有几个年长的,她猜多半是成年骑士。
Look at the arms on his surcoat, Jon suggested. "你瞧瞧他外套上的家徽。"琼恩提出。
Arya looked. An ornate shield had been embroidered on the prince’s padded surcoat. No doubt the needlework was exquisite. 艾莉亚一看,只见王子外衣上绣了一面华丽无比的盾牌,毫无疑问是极为精巧的手工。
The arms were divided down the middle; on one side was the crowned stag of the royal House, on the other the lion of Lannister. 这盾牌被分为左右两半,一边是代表王室的宝冠雄鹿,另一边则是兰尼斯特家族的怒吼雄狮。
The Lannisters are proud, Jon observed. You’d think the royal sigil would be sufficient, but no. "兰尼斯特是个骄傲的家族,"琼恩说,"本来他衣服绣上王族的家徽就够了,
He makes his mother’s House equal in honor to the king’s. 但是他却把母亲那边的家徽也绣了上去,而且还和王室的纹章平起平坐。"
The woman is important too! Arya protested. "女人也很重要呀!"艾莉亚不禁反驳。
Jon chuckled. Perhaps you should do the same thing, little sister. Wed Tully to Stark in your arms. 琼恩呵呵笑道:"小妹呀,那么你也应该有样学样,把针线活学好,然后将徒利和史塔克两家的徽章都绣在衣服上。"
A wolf with a fish in its mouth? It made her laugh. "绣一匹嘴里叼鱼的狼么?"她想想就觉得好笑,"
That would look silly. Besides, if a girl can’t fight, why should she have a coat of arms? 那样看起来好蠢。更何况,又不准女孩子上战场打仗,那她要家徽做什么用?"
Jon shrugged. Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister. 琼恩耸耸肩:"女孩子有家徽却不能拿剑作战,私生子能拿剑却没家徽可绣。小妹,世上的规矩不是我订的,我也无能为力呀。"
There was a shout from the courtyard below. Prince Tommen was rolling in the dust, trying to get up and failing. 下方广场传来一声大喊,只见托曼王子倒在翻飞尘土里打滚,想站起来却力不从心,
All the padding made him look like a turtle on its back. 外加绑的那堆皮垫护甲,使他整个人看起来就像只翻过身的乌龟似地在那儿挣扎。
Bran was standing over him with upraised wooden sword, ready to whack him again once he regained his feet. The men began to laugh. 布兰正高举木剑,站在他旁边,准备等他一站起来就立刻补上一剑。
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/byhqldyx/426239.html |