冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第133期:第十一章 丹妮莉丝(1)(在线收听

  11.DAENERYS 第十一章 丹妮莉丝
  Daenerys Targaryen wed Khal Drogo with fear and barbaric splendor in a field beyond the walls of Pentos,  丹妮莉丝·坦格利安满心恐惧,在潘托斯城郊草原上与卓戈卡奥成了婚。
  for the Dothraki believed that all things of importance in a man’s life must be done beneath the open sky. 之所以选在这里,是因为多斯拉克人认为所有的人生大事,都应该让苍天作见证。
  Drogo had called his khalasar to attend him and they had come, forty thousand Dothraki warriors and uncounted numbers of women, children, and slaves.  卓戈号召他的卡拉萨参加婚礼,他们便都如约前来,包括浩浩荡荡四万名多斯拉克武士,以及难以计数的妇孺奴隶。
  Outside the city walls they camped with their vast herds, raising palaces of woven grass, eating everything in sight,  他们带着为数众多的牲口,扎营于城墙之外,快速搭成草织的宫殿,吃遍目光所及的一切食物,
  and making the good folk of Pentos more anxious with every passing day. 让潘托斯的居民越来越不安。
  “My fellow magisters have doubled the size of the city guard,”  "其他总督把城市守卫翻了一倍。"
  Illyrio told them over platters of honey duck and orange snap peppers one night at the manse that had been Drogo’s.  有天晚上,伊利里欧边吃着一碟碟蜂蜜烤鸭和胡椒橙,边对他们说。
  The khal had joined his khalasar, his estate given over to Daenerys and her brother until the wedding. 卡奥已经回到卡拉萨之中,他的宅院就暂时让丹妮莉丝和哥哥居住,直到婚礼结束。
  “Best we get Princess Daenerys wedded quickly before they hand half the wealth of Pentos away to sellswords and bravos,” Ser Jorah Mormont jested.  "我看咱们得尽快让丹妮莉丝公主嫁出门,免得潘托斯的财富都给佣兵和无赖赚跑了。"乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士玩笑道。
  The exile had offered her brother his sword the night Dany had been sold to Kbal Drogo; Viserys had accepted eagerly.  丹妮被卖给卓戈卡奥的当晚,这位遭放逐的骑士便提议为哥哥效力。
  Mormont had been their constant companion ever since. 韦赛里斯迫不及待地答应下来,从那之后,莫尔蒙便成了随侍他们左右的伙伴。