冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第141期:第十一章 丹妮莉丝(9)(在线收听

   Ser Jorah Mormont apologized for his gift. “It is a small thing, my princess,  乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士为他的礼物致歉:"公主殿下,这点小东西实在不成敬意,

  but all a poor exile could afford,” he said as he laid a small stack of old books before her.  但放逐在外,一贫如洗的我就只负担得起这个了。"说着他把一小叠旧书放在她面前,
  They were histories and songs of the Seven Kingdoms, she saw, written in the Common Tongue. She thanked him with all her heart. 那是用标准用语写成的七国历史和歌谣传奇,她满心感激地谢谢他。
  Magister Illyrio murmured a command, and four burly slaves hurried forward, bearing between them a great cedar chest bound in bronze.  伊利里欧总督轻声下令,四位粗壮的奴隶立刻抬着一个青铜装饰的雪松木箱快步向前。
  When she opened it, she found piles of the finest velvets and damasks the Free Cities could produce?.?.?.? 打开之后,她发现里面装满了自由贸易城邦所产最上等的天鹅绒和锦缎……
  and resting on top, nestled in the soft cloth, three huge eggs. Dany gasped.  其上还躺着三颗硕大的蛋。丹妮差点喘不过气来。
  They were the most beautiful things she had ever seen, each different than the others,  这是她所见过最美的东西,三颗蛋外表各不相同,
  patterned in such rich colors that at first she thought they were crusted with jewels, and so large it took both of her hands to hold one.  其上的纹彩富丽得使她以为表面镶满珠宝,而她得用两手才能抱住一颗。
  She lifted it delicately, expecting that it would be made of some fine porcelain or delicate enamel, or even blown glass,  她小心翼翼地拿起来,本以为这是上等陶瓷、彩釉或玻璃制成,
  but it was much heavier than that, as if it were all of solid stone.  想不到却比那沉重得多,仿佛是硬石做的。
  The surface of the shell was covered with tiny scales, and as she turned the egg between her fingers,  蛋壳表面覆盖着细小鳞片,它们随她指头转弄,
  they shimmered like polished metal in the light of the setting sun. One egg was a deep green,  映着落日余晖,散发出宛如金属般的光泽。其中一颗是深绿色,
  with burnished bronze flecks that came and went depending on how Dany turned it.  随着丹妮转动的角度露出各式的青铜斑点;
  Another was pale cream streaked with gold. The last was black, as black as a midnight sea, yet alive with scarlet ripples and swirls.  另一颗是淡乳白色,有金色条纹;最后一颗是黑的,宛如午夜汪洋,却有生气勃发的暗红波浪和旋涡。
  “What are they?” she asked, her voice hushed and full of wonder. "这是什么?"她小声问,口中充满惊奇。