冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第164期:第十三章 提利昂(4)(在线收听

   One did not say no to the queen’s brother, of course, so that had settled the matter, but Stark had not been happy. 当然,没人敢对王后的弟弟说不,所以事情就算这么定了,但班扬依旧很不高兴。

  You will not like the ride, I promise you that, he’d said curtly, and since the moment they set out, "我保证你不会喜欢这趟旅程。"他很不客气地回敬,而自队伍出发以来,
  he had done all he could to live up to that promise. 他也果真尽其所能让此话成真。
  By the end of the first week, Tyrion’s thighs were raw from hard riding, his legs were cramping badly, 到第一周结束前,提利昂的大腿因为长途跋涉被磨坏了,两条腿都夹得生疼,
  and he was chilled to the bone. He did not complain.  寒风刺到了骨子里。他并没有抱怨。
  He was damned if he would give Benjen Stark that satisfaction. 要是抱怨,班扬·史塔克说不定多高兴呢。
  He took a small revenge in the matter of his riding fur, a tattered bearskin, old and musty-smelling.  提利昂倒是在御寒皮衣上扳回一城,原本史塔克故作殷勤地献上一件满溢腥羶,老旧破烂的熊皮,
  Stark had offered it to him in an excess of Night’s Watch gallantry, no doubt expecting him to graciously decline.  以表现守夜人的济弱扶贫,显然希望他会碍于礼数婉拒,
  Tyrion had accepted with a smile. He had brought his warmest clothing with him when they rode out of Winterfell, 但提利昂微笑着收下。离开临冬城的时候,他带上了所有最暖和的衣服,
  and soon discovered that it was nowhere near warm enough.  随即却发现根本不够。
  It was cold up here, and growing colder. The nights were well below freezing now, 这里真是冷得吓人,而且气温还在不断下降。
  and when the wind blew it was like a knife cutting right through his warmest woolens.  夜里的温度早已降至冰点以下,每当朔风吹起,便如尖刀般割进他最暖和的羊皮衣。
  By now Stark was no doubt regretting his chivalrous impulse. Perhaps he had learned a lesson.  想必史塔克此时正为自己一时兴起的骑士精神后悔吧。也许他会从中学到教训:
  The Lannisters never declined, graciously or otherwise. The Lannisters took what was offered. 兰尼斯特家人来者不拒,管他什么礼数,只要别人给,我就敢拿。
  Farms and holdfasts grew scarcer and smaller as they pressed northward, ever deeper into the darkness of the wolfswood,  越往北行,愈加深入狼林的幽暗国度,农庄田舍便更见疏落,
  until finally there were no more roofs to shelter under, and they were thrown back on their own resources. 终至人迹绝响,骤然遗世独立。