冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第165期:第十三章 提利昂(5)(在线收听

   Tyrion was never much use in making a camp or breaking one.  无论扎营拔营,提利昂都帮不上忙。

  Too small, too hobbled, too in-the-way.  他个子太小,蹒跚跛行只会碍手碍脚。
  So while Stark and Yoren and the other men erected rude shelters, tended the horses, and built a fire, 于是他便趁史塔克和尤伦等人搭建帐篷居所,照料马匹,生火取暖之际,
  it became his custom to take his fur and a wineskin and go off by himself to read. 裹紧皮衣,揣着酒袋,蹒跚到一边独自读书,这成了他的习惯。
  On the eighteenth night of their journey,  旅行的第十八天,
  the wine was a rare sweet amber from the Summer Isles that he had brought all the way north from Casterly Rock,  他带着从凯岩城一路携来北方,盛夏群岛酿产的珍贵琥珀甜酒,以及相关龙族佚闻事迹的书
  and the book a rumination on the history and properties of dragons.  这几册珍贵的典籍乃是提利昂求得
  With Lord Eddard Stark’s permission, 艾德·史塔克公爵允许,
  Tyrion had borrowed a few rare volumes from the Winterfell library and packed them for the ride north. 从临冬城的图书馆拿的——独自走开。
  He found a comfortable spot just beyond the noise of the camp, 他走到营地的喧嚣之外,激流奔涌、
  beside a swift-running stream with waters clear and cold as ice. 水冷如冰的溪边觅得一方宁静。
  A grotesquely ancient oak provided shelter from the biting wind.  一株形体怪诞的老橡树恰好为他遮挡寒风。
  Tyrion curled up in his fur with his back against the trunk, took a sip of the wine, and began to read about the properties of dragonbone.  提利昂背靠树干,扯紧皮毛,啜了一口酒后读起关于龙骨的叙述。
  Dragonbone is black because of its high iron content, the book told him.  龙骨含铁量高,故呈黑色,书上如是说,
  It is strong as steel, yet lighter and far more flexible, and of course utterly impervious to fire.  龙骨坚硬如铁,然材质极轻且有韧性,自然亦不怕火。
  Dragonbone bows are greatly prized by the Dothraki, and small wonder. An archer so armed can outrange any wooden bow. 无怪乎多斯拉克人视龙骨弓为稀世珍宝,配上龙骨弓,射手可以轻易超越木制弓箭的射程。