冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第167期:第十三章 提利昂(7)(在线收听

   From there the skulls ranged upward in size to the three great monsters of song and story,  其他的龙头则一个比一个大,最大的三头便是歌谣和传说里最恐怖的巨兽,

  the dragons that Aegon Targaryen and his sisters had unleashed on the Seven Kingdoms of old.  即伊耿·坦格利安和他的妹妹们攻打古代七国时所骑乘的那三头龙。
  The singers had given them the names of gods: Balerion, Meraxes, Vhaghar.  吟游诗人为他们都取了神的名字:贝勒里恩、米拉西斯和瓦格哈尔。
  Tyrion had stood between their gaping jaws, wordless and awed.  提利昂站在他们的血盆大口间,震慑得说不出话来。
  You could have ridden a horse down Vhaghar’s gullet, although you would not have ridden it out again.  瓦格哈尔的咽喉之大,大到你可以骑马进去,当然别想活着出来。
  Meraxes was even bigger. And the greatest of them, Balerion, the Black Dread, could have swallowed an aurochs whole,  米拉西斯体型更加惊人。而最硕大无朋,人称"黑死神"的贝勒里恩,则可一口吞下整只野牛,
  or even one of the hairy mammoths said to roam the cold wastes beyond the Port of Ibben. 或是传说中漫游于伊班港以北冰冷荒原上的长毛象。
  Tyrion stood in that dank cellar for a long time, staring at Balerion’s huge, empty-eyed skull until his torch burned low, 提利昂在阴湿地窖里伫立良久,盯着贝勒里恩空洞而巨大的眼窝,
  trying to grasp the size of the living animal,  试着想像眼前这只巨兽生前的模样,
  to imagine how it must have looked when it spread its great black wings and swept across the skies, breathing fire. 想像它开展双翼,横扫天际,口吐烈焰的景象,直到火把燃尽。