冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第174期:第十三章 提利昂(14)(在线收听

   Tyrion glanced at him sharply.  提利昂瞪了他一眼,

  Then he laughed, a raw snort of amusement that came bursting out through his nose entirely without his permission.  接着放声大笑,那是一股他全然没有预期的原始笑意。
  Oh, gods,he said, choking on his laughter and shaking his head,  "噢,诸神在上,"他笑得差点岔了气,不住摇头,
  I suppose I do rather look like a grumkin. What does he do to snarks?” "我想我看起来确实蛮像的嘛!那要是他遇上真的古灵精怪会有何反应啊?"
  You don’t want to know.Jon picked up the wineskin and handed it to Tyrion. "你不会想知道的。"琼恩拾起酒袋,交还提利昂。
  Tyrion pulled out the stopper, tilted his head, and squeezed a long stream into his mouth.  提利昂拉开塞子,侧着头喝了一大口,
  The wine was cool fire as it trickled down his throat and warmed his belly. He held out the skin to Jon Snow. Want some?” 葡萄酒宛如一泓冷火,流过他的喉咙,温暖他的脾胃。他把皮囊传给琼恩·雪诺。"你来点?"
  The boy took the skin and tried a cautious swallow. It’s true, isn’t it? 男孩接过酒袋,谨慎地啜了一口。
  he said when he was done. What you said about the Night’s Watch.” "刚才你说的那些关于守夜人的事,"喝完之后他问,"都是真的?"
  Tyrion nodded. 提利昂点点头。
  Jon Snow set his mouth in a grim line. If that’s what it is, that’s what it is.” 琼恩·雪诺神情肃穆地抿抿嘴。"那我就既来之则安之。"
  Tyrion grinned at him. That’s good, bastard. Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it.” 提利昂朝他嘿嘿一笑。"私生子,真有你的。大部分的人宁可否认事实,也不愿面对真相。"
  Most men,the boy said. But not you.” "那是大部分的人,"男孩道,"但不是你。"
  No,Tyrion admitted, not me. I seldom even dream of dragons anymore.  "你说得对,"提利昂同意,"不是我。现在我连龙都很少去想了,这世上没有龙了。"
  There are no dragons.He scooped up the fallen bearskin. 他捡起掉落在地的熊皮。
  Come, we had better return to camp before your uncle calls the banners.” "走,我们还是趁你叔叔没出来找人之前回营去罢。"
  The walk was short, but the ground was rough underfoot and his legs were cramping badly by the time they got back.  回营的路虽然不长,但地面崎岖不平,等到赶回营区,他的双腿已经抽筋得厉害。
  Jon Snow offered a hand to help him over a thick tangle of roots, but Tyrion shook him off. 琼恩·雪诺伸手准备帮他跨越一丛纠结繁密的树根,但提利昂却挥手拒绝了。
  He would make his own way, as he had all his life.  他要自己走自己的路,一如他这一生。