冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第178期:第十四章 凯特琳(5)(在线收听

   Don’t, she told him. Bran needs to stay warm. "别开窗,"她告诉他,"让布兰暖和点。"

  He needs to hear them sing, Robb said. Somewhere out in Winterfell, a second wolf began to howl in chorus with the first.  "他需要听听小狼的叫声。"罗柏道。在临冬城的某处,又有一只狼加入到长嚎的阵容,
  Then a third, closer. Shaggydog and Grey Wind, Robb said as their voices rose and fell together. 之后又是一只,这次离高塔比较近。"是毛毛狗和灰风。"在高低起伏,抑扬顿挫的狼嚎声中,
  You can tell them apart if you listen close. 罗柏说:"仔细听,你可以分辨出他们。"
  Catelyn was shaking. It was the grief, the cold, the howling of the direwolves. 凯特琳却仍旧颤抖不已,这不仅因为悲伤,因为寒冷,还因为冰原狼的叫声。
  Night after night, the howling and the cold wind and the grey empty castle, on and on they went, never changing,  夜复一夜,日复一日,狼嚎、凛风和灰暗空寂的城堡,漫无边际地延续,恒常不变,
  and her boy lying there broken, the sweetest of her children, the gentlest,  而她的爱子却倒卧病榻,这是她最甜美的孩子,
  Bran who loved to laugh and climb and dreamt of knighthood, all gone now, she would never hear him laugh again.  那个爱笑,爱爬,爱做骑士梦的布兰,如今全成了过眼云烟,只怕此生再也听不到他的笑声。
  Sobbing, she pulled her hand free of his and covered her ears against those terrible howls. 思及此处,她泣不成声,不顾一切地自他掌中抽出双手,捂住耳朵,不愿再听外面那骇人的狼嚎。
  Make them stop! she cried. I can’t stand it, make them stop, make them stop, kill them all if you must, just make them stop! "叫他们别叫了!"她喊,"我受不了,叫他们别叫了,别叫了,就算杀了他们也没关系,只要他们别叫就好!"
  She didn’t remember falling to the floor, but there she was, and Robb was lifting her, holding her in strong arms.  她不记得自己何时跌倒在地,但她确实在地上,罗柏扶她起身,用强壮的双臂环住她。
  Don’t be afraid, Mother. They would never hurt him.  "母亲,您别怕,他们绝对不会伤害布兰。"
  He helped her to her narrow bed in the corner of the sickroom. 他搀她走到病房角落她的狭窄小床边。
  Close your eyes, he said gently. Rest. Maester Luwin tells me you’ve hardly slept since Bran’s fall. "闭上眼睛,"他温柔地说,"好好休息。鲁温师傅跟我说打布兰出事以来您几乎没阖过眼。"