冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第181期:第十四章 凯特琳(8)(在线收听

   No, Catelyn said, louder now as she found her voice again.  "不,"凯特琳找回了声音,说话大声起来。"

  No, you can’t. She spun back toward the window to scream for help, 不行,不准你这么做!"她箭步奔向窗边想大声呼救,
  but the man moved faster than she would have believed.  但对方的动作快得惊人,
  One hand clamped down over her mouth and yanked back her head, the other brought the dagger up to her windpipe.  他飞快地伸出一只手捂住她的嘴巴,将她的头往后扯,利刃随即架上她的咽喉。
  The stench of him was overwhelming. 他全身臭气熏天,她简直快要窒息。
  She reached up with both hands and grabbed the blade with all her strength, pulling it away from her throat.  她双手齐伸握住匕首,死命将之扯离喉咙。
  She heard him cursing into her ear. Her fingers were slippery with blood,  耳边传来他的咒骂,虽然指间鲜血淋漓,
  but she would not let go of the dagger. The hand over her mouth clenched more tightly, shutting off her air.  她却依旧不肯放手。捂住她嘴巴的手钳制得更紧,使她呼吸困难。
  Catelyn twisted her head to the side and managed to get a piece of his flesh between her teeth.  凯特琳猛力扭头,在上下齿缝间找到他的手,
  She bit down hard into his palm. The man grunted in pain.  狠狠地咬将下去。男人痛苦地闷哼一声,
  She ground her teeth together and tore at him, and all of a sudden he let go.  她又咬紧牙关用力撕扯,迫使他陡地松开手。
  The taste of his blood filled her mouth. She sucked in air and screamed,  她满嘴都是血腥,深深吸了口气,然后厉声尖叫起来。
  and he grabbed her hair and pulled her away from him, and she stumbled and went down,  男子见状,忙一把攫住她的头发,使劲一推,她踉跄跌步,倒在地上。
  and then he was standing over her, breathing hard, shaking.  他站在她身边大声喘息,颤抖不已,
  The dagger was still clutched tightly in his right hand, slick with blood.  右手仍紧握着那把匕首,刃锋上全是血。
  You weren’t s’posed to be here, he repeated stupidly. "你不该在这儿。"他笨拙地重复这句话。
  Catelyn saw the shadow slip through the open door behind him.  这时,凯特琳看见一道黑影从他身后的门口溜了进来,
  There was a low rumble, less than a snarl, the merest whisper of a threat,  低低地吼了一声,算不上咆哮,只能说是充满威胁的低语。
  but he must have heard something, because he started to turn just as the wolf made its leap. 但他应该还是听见了,因为当狼飞身跃起朝他扑去时,他正准备转身。