冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第187期:第十五章 珊莎(4)(在线收听

   The air had been damp and clammy, the causeway so narrow they could not even make proper camp at night, they had to stop right on the kingsroad.  那里的空气阴湿黏腻,加上堤道太狭窄,夜里连扎营都没办法,只好停留在国王大道上。

  Dense thickets of half-drowned trees pressed close around them, branches dripping with curtains of pale fungus.  长年浸泡在腐沼之中的浓密树丛,从道路两旁朝他们步步进逼,枝干间垂下帘幕般的菌类植物。
  Huge flowers bloomed in the mud and floated on pools of stagnant water,  巨大的花朵盛开在烂泥坑里,漂浮在死水潭上。
  but if you were stupid enough to leave the causeway to pluck them, there were quicksands waiting to suck you down,  可假如你愚蠢到想离开堤道去采摘,四处随时有流沙等着将你吞噬。
  and snakes watching from the trees, and lizard lions floating half-submerged in the water, like black logs with eyes and teeth. 密林里有虎视眈眈的毒蛇,水中有半浮半沉的蜥狮,看起来活像长了眼睛和牙齿的黑木头。
  None of which stopped Arya, of course.  想也知道,这些全难不倒艾莉亚。
  One day she came back grinning her horsey grin, her hair all tangled and her clothes covered in mud, clutching a raggedy bunch of purple and green flowers for Father.  有次她居然满脸堆着马一样的笑容,头发乱成一团,衣服全是泥泞,拎了一束烂兮兮的紫绿花朵回来送给爸爸。
  Sansa kept hoping he would tell Arya to behave herself and act like the highborn lady she was supposed to be,  珊莎一直希望哪天父亲大人会叫艾莉亚注意礼节,有点她应有的淑女模样,
  but he never did, he only hugged her and thanked her for the flowers. That just made her worse. 可他从没这么做过,这一次,他反而拥抱她并感谢那些花。简直就是火上浇油。
  Then it turned out the purple flowers were called poison kisses, and Arya got a rash on her arms.  事后大家才知道,那些紫花叫做"毒吻花",而艾莉亚的双臂果然都起了红疹子。
  Sansa would have thought that might have taught her a lesson,  珊莎本以为这次的教训够她受了,
  but Arya laughed about it, and the next day she rubbed mud all over her arms like some ignorant bog woman just because her friend Mycah told her it would stop the itching.  没想到艾莉亚却只是笑笑,隔天一听她那朋友米凯说涂上烂泥可以减轻疼痛,便立刻照办,把自己弄得活像个未开化的沼泽女人。
  She had bruises on her arms and shoulders too, dark purple welts and faded green-and-yellow splotches, Sansa had seen them when her sister undressed for sleep.  这还不止,晚上妹妹脱衣服睡觉时,珊莎注意到她的手臂和肩膀上有不少擦伤,深紫的瘀青和褪色的黄绿色脏东西。
  How she had gotten those only the seven gods knew. 这些究竟是她打哪儿弄来的,恐怕就只有天上的七神知道了。