冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第191期:第十五章 珊莎(8)(在线收听

   A crowd had gathered around the queen's wheelhouse. Sansa heard excited voices buzzing like a hive of bees.  王后的行宫外正聚集了一群人,珊莎听见他们兴奋地交谈,像是一大群蜜蜂嗡嗡作响。

  The doors had been thrown open, she saw, and the queen stood at the top of the wooden steps, smiling down at someone.  行宫的大门敞开,王后站在木头阶梯的最上层,对着人群里的某人微笑。
  She heard her saying, The council does us great honor, my good lords. 珊莎听见她说:两位大人,重臣们真是太周到了。
  What's happening? she asked a squire she knew. 发生了什么事?她问一个认识的侍从。
  The council sent riders from King's Landing to escort us the rest of the way, he told her. An honor guard for the king. 御前会议派人从君临来迎接我们,他告诉她,为国王派出的荣誉护卫。
  Anxious to see, Sansa let Lady clear a path through the crowd. People moved aside hastily for the direwolf.  珊莎迫不及待想瞧瞧,便让淑女走在前面开路。人们见了冰原狼纷纷躲避。
  When she got closer, she saw two knights kneeling before the queen, in armor so fine and gorgeous that it made her blink. 等她靠得够近,只见两名骑士单膝跪在王后面前,他们的铠甲做工之精细华丽,使她目炫神迷。
  One knight wore an intricate suit of white enameled scales, brilliant as a field of new-fallen snow, with silver chasings and clasps that glittered in the sun.  其中一名骑士穿了一套雕工繁复,上了瓷釉的白鳞甲,灿烂得活像一片覆盖初雪的洁白大地,白色银线和钩扣在阳光下熠熠发光。
  When he removed his helm, Sansa saw that he was an old man with hair as pale as his armor, yet he seemed strong and graceful for all that.  待他取下头盔,珊莎才发现他原是个老人,一头白发和他的铠甲颜色一般。虽然如此,他看起来却老当益壮,一举一动甚是优雅。
  From his shoulders hung the pure white cloak of the Kingsguard. 他的双肩垂系着象征御林铁卫的纯白披风。
  His companion was a man near twenty whose armor was steel plate of a deep forest-green. He was the handsomest man Sansa had ever set eyes upon;  他的同伴年约二十,一身精钢打造的深绿铠甲,绿如密林。他是珊莎所见过的最英俊的男子,
  tall and powerfully made, with jet-black hair that fell to his shoulders and framed a clean-shaven face, and laughing green eyes to match his armor.  体格高大魁梧,黑玉般的及肩长发衬托出他修整干净的脸庞,那双带着笑意的蓝眼,正好与盔甲的颜色交相辉映。
  Cradled under one arm was an antlered helm, its magnificent rack shimmering in gold. 他怀抱一顶鹿角盔,两只华丽的鹿角金光闪闪。