冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第193期:第十五章 珊莎(10)(在线收听

   He did, and had since she had first laid eyes on the ruin that fire had made of his face, though it seemed to her now that he was not half so terrifying as the other.  他真的就那么可怕,自从珊莎初次看到那张被火毁容的脸以来,始终这么骇人。虽然如此,此际珊莎对他的恐惧却远不及对另一个人的一半。

  Still, Sansa wrenched away from him, and the Hound laughed, and Lady moved between them, rumbling a warning.  但她还是挣脱了他的掌握,猎狗哈哈大笑,淑女挤进两人中间,发出一阵低吼。
  Sansa dropped to her knees to wrap her arms around the wolf. They were all gathered around gaping,  珊莎蹲下去双手抱住小狼。这时他们反成了四周注目的焦点,
  she could feel their eyes on her, and here and there she heard muttered comments and titters of laughter. 她可以感觉到大家的视线都停留在自己身上,还听见此起彼落的窃窃私语和笑声。
  A wolf, a man said, and someone else said, Seven hells, that's a direwolf, and the first man said,  是只狼呀。有人说,然后又有人说,见鬼,那是冰原狼。先前那个人接口问,
  What's it doing in camp? and the Hound's rasping voice replied, The Starks use them for wet nurses,  它在这儿干嘛?这时猎狗厉声回答,史塔克家的人养狼当保姆。
  and Sansa realized that the two stranger knights were looking down on her and Lady, swords in their hands,  珊莎这才发现先前那两位陌生的骑士正手里持剑俯视着她和淑女。
  and then she was frightened again, and ashamed. Tears filled her eyes. 这下她越发惧怕,更觉羞耻,泪水充满了眼眶。
  She heard the queen say, Joffrey, go to her. 她听见王后说:乔佛里,快去保护她。
  And her prince was there. 然后她的白马王子就出现在她身边了。
  Leave her alone, Joffrey said. He stood over her, beautiful in blue wool and black leather, his golden curls shining in the sun like a crown.  不准欺负她。乔佛里道。他站在她身旁,穿着一身漂亮的蓝色羊毛衣和黑皮革外套,满头金发宛如艳阳下的王冠。
  He gave her his hand, drew her to her feet. What is it, sweet lady? Why are you afraid? No one will hurt you.  他伸手搀扶她起身。亲爱的小姐,你怎么了?你在怕什么呢?这儿没人会伤害你的。
  Put away your swords, all of you. The wolf is her little pet, that's all. He looked at Sandor Clegane.  你们通通把剑收起来,这只狼不过是她的小宠物罢了,没什么好大惊小怪的。他看看桑铎·克里冈。
  And you, dog, away with you, you're scaring my betrothed. 还有你这只狗,滚远点罢,你吓到我的未婚妻了。
  The Hound, ever faithful, bowed and slid away quietly through the press.  向来忠心耿耿的猎狗鞠了个躬,安静地穿过人群离开。