冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第209期:第十五章 珊莎(26)(在线收听

   Robert, you cannot mean this, Ned protested. 劳勃,你不是说真的吧?奈德抗议。

  The king was in no mood for more argument. Enough, Ned, I will hear no more. A direwolf is a savage beast. 国王已经没心情再争论下去。别说了,奈德,这事到此为止。
  Sooner or later it would have turned on your girl the same way the other did on my son. Get her a dog, she'll be happier for it. 冰原狼本来就野性难改,假如不除掉,你女儿迟早会跟我儿子一样遭殃。帮她弄条狗,她会快乐点。
  That was when Sansa finally seemed to comprehend. Her eyes were frightened as they went to her father. 这时珊莎终于明白了国王的意思,她望向父亲,眼里满是惊惶。
  He doesn't mean Lady, does he? She saw the truth on his face. No, she said. No, not Lady, Lady didn't bite anybody, she's good. 他不是指淑女,是不是?她在他脸上看到了答案。不,她说,不要杀淑女。淑女不咬人的,她最乖…
  Lady wasn't there, Arya shouted angrily. You leave her alone! 淑女当时根本不在场,艾莉亚生气地叫道,你不要欺负她!
  Stop them, Sansa pleaded, don't let them do it, please, please, it wasn't Lady, 叫他们住手,珊莎哀求,叫他们住手,求求你,咬人的不是淑女,
  it was Nymeria, Arya did it, you can't, it wasn't Lady, don't let them hurt Lady, I'll make her be good, I promise, I promise. She started to cry. 是娜梅莉亚,动手的是艾莉亚,别让他们乱来,不是淑女干的,别让他们伤害淑女,我会叫她乖乖听话,我保证,我保证…她终于忍不住哭了起来。
  All Ned could do was take her in his arms and hold her while she wept. 奈德惟一能做的只是紧紧搂住她,让她哭个痛快。
  He looked across the room at Robert. His old friend, closer than any brother. 他的视线穿过大厅,看着他那比骨肉还亲的老友劳勃。
  Please, Robert. For the love you bear me. For the love you bore my sister. Please. 劳勃,看在我的份上,看在你对我妹妹的爱份上,不要这样。我求求你。
  The king looked at them for a long moment, then turned his eyes on his wife. Damn you, Cersei, he said with loathing. 国王看他良久,然后转头看着妻子。瑟曦,你真该死。他愤恨地说。
  Ned stood, gently disengaging himself from Sansa's grasp. All the weariness of the past four days had returned to him. 奈德轻柔地从珊莎的搂抱里脱身而起,突然间,过去四天累积的所有疲惫又排山倒海般袭上心头。
  Do it yourself then, Robert, he said in a voice cold and sharp as steel. At least have the courage to do it yourself. 劳勃,那你自己动手,他的音调冷若冰霜。敢作敢当。