冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第213期:第十七章 布兰(2)(在线收听

   I'm trying, the crow replied. Say, got any corn? 我正在想办法,乌鸦回答,嘿,你可有玉米?

  Bran reached into his pocket as the darkness spun dizzily around him. 黑暗在他周围晕眩地旋转,布兰忙把手伸进口袋,
  When he pulled his hand out, golden kernels slid from between his fingers into the air. They fell with him. 抽出来时,金黄的谷粒由他指间滑下,与他一同坠落。
  The crow landed on his hand and began to eat. 乌鸦停在他手上,开始啄食。
  Are you really a crow? Bran asked. 你真的是乌鸦?布兰问。
  Are you really falling? the crow asked back. 你真的在往下坠?乌鸦反问。
  It's just a dream, Bran said. 这只是一场梦。布兰说。
  Is it? asked the crow. 是吗?乌鸦又问。
  I'll wake up when I hit the ground, Bran told the bird. 我摔到地面的时候自然会醒的。布兰告诉鸟儿。
  You'll die when you hit the ground, the crow said. It went back to eating corn. 等摔到地面你就死了,乌鸦说完,径自去吃玉米。
  Bran looked down. He could see mountains now, their peaks white with snow, and the silver thread of rivers in dark woods. He closed his eyes and began to cry. 布兰低下头,现在他可以看见白雪皑皑的连绵峰峦,银色河流在深绿树林中留下的蜿蜒丝线。他闭上双眼,哭了起来。
  That won't do any good, the crow said. I told you, the answer is flying, not crying. 哭哭啼啼没用的,乌鸦说,我说了,惟一的办法就是飞,不是掉眼泪。
  How hard can it be? I'm doing it. The crow took to the air and flapped around Bran's hand. 这有什么难?我不就在飞?乌鸦腾空飞起,拍着翅膀,绕在布兰手边。
  You have wings, Bran pointed out. 可你有翅膀。布兰指出。
  Maybe you do too. 说不定你也有。
  Bran felt along his shoulders, groping for feathers. 布兰沿着肩膀摸索,想找自己的羽毛。
  There are different kinds of wings, the crow said. 翅膀不只一种,乌鸦说。
  Bran was staring at his arms, his legs. He was so skinny, just skin stretched taut over bones. Had he always been so thin? He tried to remember. 布兰看到自己的手脚,好瘦啊,瘦得跟皮包骨一样。难道他一直都这么瘦?他试着去回忆。