冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第221期:第十八章 凯特琳(3)(在线收听

   I will leave you to discuss your business, Captain Moreo said. He bowed and took his leave of them. 你们谈正事,我不打扰了。莫里欧说完鞠躬离去。

  The galley skimmed the water like a dragonfly, her oars rising and falling in perfect time. 帆船像蜻蜓般在水面漂浮,桨叶整齐划一地起起落落。
  Sir Rodrik held the rail and looked out over the passing shore. I have not been the most valiant of protectors. 罗德利克爵士拉住栏杆,朝飞驰的陆地远眺。我实在不是个称职的护卫。
  Catelyn touched his arm. We are here, Ser Rodrik, and safely. That is all that truly matters. 凯特琳拍拍他的臂膀,罗德利克爵士,我们安然抵达了目的地,这样就够了。
  Her hand groped beneath her cloak, her fingers stiff and fumbling. The dagger was still at her side. 她的另一只手在斗篷底下摸索,指头僵硬而笨拙。匕首依然在腰际,
  She found she had to touch it now and then, to reassure herself. Now we must reach the king's master-at-arms, and pray that he can be trusted. 她发现自己必须不时碰触它才能安心。接下来我们便去找国王的教头,诸神保佑,希望他值得信赖。
  Ser Aron Santagar is a vain man, but an honest one. Ser Rodrik's hand went to his face to stroke his whiskers and discovered once again that they were gone. 艾伦·桑塔加爵士人虽然虚荣了点,却非常正直。罗德利克爵士伸手欲捻胡须,却扑了个空。
  He looked nonplussed. He may know the blade, yes?but, my lady, the moment we go ashore we are at risk. And there are those at court who will know you on sight. 他有些不知所措地说:他很可能认得出那把刀...可是夫人,上岸之后,我们便有暴露身份的危险,更何况宫中有人一眼就可认出您。
  Catelyn's mouth grew tight. Littlefinger, she murmured. His face swam up before her; a boy's face, though he was a boy no longer. 凯特琳抿紧嘴唇。小指头,她喃喃道。他的脸浮现在她眼前,一张男孩子的脸,然而他早已不是个孩子了。
  His father had died several years before, so he was Lord Baelish now, yet still they called him Littlefinger. 他的父亲几年前刚过世,如今他是贝里席伯爵,但大家仍唤他作小指头。
  Her brother Edmure had given him that name, long ago at Riverrun. 这绰号是她弟弟艾德慕很久以前在奔流城帮他取的,
  His family's modest holdings were on the smallest of the Fingers, and Petyr had been slight and short for his age. 起因是他家族封地狭小,且位于五指半岛中最小的半岛上,而培提尔在同龄孩子间又特别瘦小的缘故。